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Memes but it's just Black, white, and bud(star buddy). If you don't know who is bud yet then well find out urself just here's 1 funfact of bud

She's 10

Les start

Meme 1

White:Santa Claus isn't real...

Black:grow up! Idiot bud!

White:were the ones who buy you all these gifts

Bud:*sniffs😔* No! Your wrong! Then who keeps taking his cookies and milk😭

Black:... *flashy flashy back of her eating the cookies and milk*

Meme 2

Black:hey white, have you seen my chocolate milk? Can't find it anywhere :/

White:Ive got a better milk for you

Black:ay wha- so you want me to suck yo-

White:*pulls out a strawberry milk* here, and also suck what?

Black:nothing... *dirty minded bi-*

Meme 3

Bud:how to stop a bully✨

Black:WAHHHHHH *getting beaten up by white*

White:*beating Black up*

Bud:ahem, stop

White:wow✨ inspiring✨

Black:you saved my life🤩

Bud:hey, don't even mention it✨✨

Black:how can I ever repay-

Bud:*beats Black up*

White:*beats Black also*

Meme 4

Black:*spots a cookie jar* ohhhh a cookie jar that is sitting in the kitchen counter and definitely not buds cookie jar, let me just *eats the cookies* yum! Wait a min.. The taste seems familiar...


Black:... *turns around* W-we can talk about this-


black:WIAT NO I-

white:*grabs Black's shoulder behind her* your coming with me...


And then white and Black did sex😊/j

Ahem, MEMES part 2
(im too lazy to make another part that's why)

Memes but it's just Black, white, and their daughter(not yet confirmed and I haven't thought of a name for her)

Meme 1

B&W daughter:mom, can you help me with this math solution?

Black:of course dea- *sees the math solution very hard and it's Geometry*....

Few minutes later

Black:*burns the math solution* it's not going to Hurt you anymore

Meme 2

White:let me see what you have

B&W daughter:A knife!


meme 3

Black:okay, so I want you to delete that bottle right in front of you with your eyes close or either burn it

B&W daughter:okay mom! *closes eyes and shots fire towards the bottle but misses and it hits a building instead causing it to burn* did I do it did I do it mom??

Black:*just hearing the screams of the other stickfigures* uhhh- yeah- g-good job ;-;

Blacks mind:how do I explain this to white-

Sorry for not being online mostly because my parents kept my tablet and I would mostly be on tiktok or c.ai and other stuffs, but I would like it if yall name B&W daughter


White(TLC) and black(TDC) stick figures Where stories live. Discover now