Oh My Fucking Gawd, that is such a big deal, i get to work at the HQ where the CEO actually is

"I can't believe this, you mean I'll meet the CEO??"

"Oui, et il veut avoir une interview une sur une personne avec les candidats pour déterminer leur position"
(Yes, and he wants to have a one on one interview with the candidates to determine their position)

This does not surprise me in the least, I know how strict it is there in the HQ is, one little mistake and you're fired. Which has me rethinking if I can really handle this

Xavier Delgato is not one to mess with. At the young age of 25, he was able to raise an empire that took the world by storm. His dad also owned a multi-million dollar company but he decided to build his own company from the scratch, he later took over his father's company and merged it with his.
He is a role model to lots of people including me

Him being such a strong business man means he doesn't settle for less, he is very strict, uptight and does not tolerate mistakes. That's why only the best of the best are allowed to work directly under him, he personally hand picks them and thoroughly interviews them, which is exactly why im scared to death

No, I haven't met him before since the last time he came to France was 3 years ago and I was wasn't working here then, thank goodness for that cos I heard he fired lots of people who were incompetent and I am a million percent sure that my clumsy ass would've been fired. I may not have seen him but I've heard A LOT about him. I have to, after all he's my boss's boss and I've seen him on TV, magazines, newspapers, you name it. He's one of the most influential men in the world and the #1 richest man under 40 according to Forbes.

He also earned the title of 'Sexiest men alive' 6 years in a row. I mean...they're not wrong, he is drop-dead gorgeous. It should be a sin to be that good looking

Do I have a crush on him? Since college
Do I stand a chance? Big No
If I have an opportunity to date him will I take it? Why not
Is it possible for him to be interested in me? Hell Nah

I've come to terms that he's way above my league so I don't really care about him, unlike other girls. Me working under-under him is my biggest flex so far

"Je ne pense pas que je puisse le faire"
(I don't think I can do it sir)

"Bella, je suis plus que de certitude que vous pouvez le faire. Vous êtes mon meilleur employé pour une raison et de vous n'étiez pas bon, alors vous n'auriez pas été sélectionné en premier lieu"
(Bella, I'm more than sure that you can do this. You're my best employee for a reason and of you weren't good, then you wouldn't have been selected in the first place)

"I know but, you know how he is but like...Have you met the guy??"

"Yes Bella, I have met him and trust me, he isn't that bad. Just do your work and that's all"

"Et si je fais une erreur? Et si je pète en sa présence ??"
(What if I make a mistake? What if I fart in his presence??)

"Really Bella? Fart?" He raised an eyebrow at me

"Ok not fart, but anything can happen"

"Stop over reacting, just be yourself and do whatever he says. Besides, if you get lucky you might not even see him much"

"If I decide to work there, it means I have to travel to the United States. I can't leave pops here alone"

"Et si je fais une erreur? Et si je pète en sa présence ??"
(He'll be fine, he has so many people from the retirement home taking care of him. And I'm sure he'll be really happy when he hears the news"

Of course he'll be happy, who wouldn't be happy about a promotion? Me

I'm really scared of messing things up

"So, are you ready?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Non tu ne le fais pas. Vous avez deux semaines pour préparer ce que je crois que c'est plus que suffisamment de temps pour préparer. Votre logement sera pris en charge avec votre vol. Vous pouvez prendre le reste de la journée de congé"
(No you don't. You have two weeks to prepare which I believe is more than enough time to prepare. Your accomodation will be taken care of along with your flight. You can take the rest of the day off)

"Ok sir" I stood up to leave

"Bella..." He called as I reached the door

"Yes sir"

"Je te fais confiance, please don't disappoint me"
(I trust you)

Sending him a weak smile, I left the office

What an interesting game life is playing on me right now


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