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Sorry if the French isn't correct, I'm using Google translator and my knowledge of French is 0.5%
But don't worry, it'll just be used majorly in this chapter :)

Taking a deep breath, I knocked quietly on my boss's door and opened it after i heard a faint 'come in'

"Bonjour sir, J'ai entendu dire que tu as besoin de me voir"
(Good morning sir, I heard that you need to see me)

"Oui belle, come have a sit"

He said offering the chair that was in front of his desk. He has never asked me to sit since two years I worked there, the only times I enter his office is to submit file, receive instructions a inform him of his schedules

Wait, am I getting fired? Did I do something wrong?

"Quelque chose ne va pas monsieur?"
(Is something wrong sir?)

"Everything's fine Belle, more than fine to be exact" he said relaxing in his chair while flashing his pearly white teeth

One minute he looks serious and another minute he's becomes playful. He's the best boss I've ever worked with, technically the only boss I've worked with but I doubt there'll ever be someone like him

He is really generous and hardworking maybe a bit too hardworking, I've lost count of how many times his wife has come here to complain about how he doesn't take care of himself

Honestly, his family is really amazing and I envy him for that. He has two teenage daughters who are as expected rebellious but they respect their dad a lot. He got remarried 5 years after divorcing his first wife and his current wife is pregnant with their third child

Of course I know about his family cos they normally invite me over for dinner. Outside work, he treats me like his own daughter along with his family and they always made sure I never felt left out during Thanksgiving

"More than fine?"

I'm confused as hell

"You're fired" My confused face morphed to shock

What? How?

"Je suis désolé monsieur je ne comprends pas, ai-je fait quelque chose de mal?"
(I'm sorry sir I don't understand, did I do something wrong?)

"No Belle, you did the exact opposite"

Ok, now I'm totally confused

"Then why am I being fired?"

He chuckled at my statement, Does he find this funny? Why am I being fired

"You should see your face right now" he said laughing

His overworking is finally taking a toll on him and it's affecting his brain

"Quoi qu'il en soit, ce que je veux dire, c'est que tu es tiré mais pas vraiment tiré "
(Anyways, what I mean to say is that you're fired but not really fired)

"Huh?? I'm really really confused"

"Congratulations Ms. Schneider, you've been promoted"
My eyes widened in shock

"Oh My Gosh! Thank you so much sir I..."

"You've been promoted to work at XCorp HQ"
I smile immediately dropped

"Did you say HQ? As in the Head Quarters?"
I've never been so confused in my life

"Oui Belle, on nous a demandé de soumettre les enregistrements de travail de tous les employés de la part des succursales pour être sélectionné pour travailler au siège et que vous avez été sélectionné avec quelques autres"
(Yes Belle, we were asked to submit all employees' work records from all over the branches for one to be selected to work at the HQ and you've been selected along with a few others)

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