Chapter #10 - The Council's Unexpected Thorn

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Present Time

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Present Time

Red Keep, King's Landing

Viserys could not believe what his one working eye could see. It was as if a vision, like an ancient dream, had materialized out of nowhere. Standing in front of him was a young woman no more than one and twenty nameday. A young woman of normal height, not too tall, not too short. Who was dressed in clothes unknown to the inhabitants of Westeros, which showed off her warrior's figure.

A beautiful young woman, with long hair mixed between black and silver. With a strong look and a color of eyes that was surprising to the King, since she carried the same shade of eyes that possessed the late Princess Alyssa Targaryen. His mother.

The room was enveloped in an enormous and uncomfortable silence. All the people present were waiting for the King's reaction to the words that the visitor Queen had spoken. At that moment, Viserys rose with some difficulty from the throne, and without asking for any help began to descend the stairs of the throne.

As Viserys descended, Rhaenyra did not take her eyes off the female figure standing in front of the throne. With her eyes full of tears she kept studying the profile of the young Queen, trying to imprint even the smallest detail in her memory. Like the lightning-shaped scar she bore on her forehead, as a warning that no lightning, thunder or storm could break her. As her eyes were of different colors, the eyes of Alyssa, as a sign of her grandmother that despite being considered by the society of Westeros as a bastard, inside she was the most Targaryen of all those present.

When Viserys finished descending the steps of the throne, standing face to face with the young Queen, he was mesmerized by her. He didn't know how to explain it, it was as if one of the Valyrian goddesses his mother so often described to him in her stories had descended from the heavens to walk among mere mortals. By studying her closely, he would be able to notice the small details that jumped out at his poor eyes.

Such as the small visible deviation on her nose, making it a little bit crooked, which gave him the impression that it had been broken before. Like the small scar on the right side of her upper lip, which could have been the result of a fight or a physical altercation. Or the posture that exudes pride and confidence, with a hint of danger, which was reflected in her intense gaze, which was fixed on him.

After a long period of silence, Viserys released his staff, arranged it so that it hung from his one arm, and to everyone's surprise, extended his arm in greeting.

"The pleasure is mine, Queen Dahlia." said Viserys, his hand outstretched. "Welcome to Westeros."

And it was not until the young woman took his arm in return for the king's greeting, when she smiled at him, that Viserys noticed another detail.

Her smile was the same smile of his beloved Aemma. The gods were playing with him.

"I wanted to thank you for the invitation," said the young woman, after she finished greeting the king. "I hope it won't be inconvenient to bring some of my soldiers. But I think you must understand better than anyone, the protection that comes with being a monarch." finished Queen Dahlia as she gave the king a look that radiated innocence and serenity.

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