Chapter #3 - The Foreing Adventure

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Present Time

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Present Time

Valyrian Castle

"This isn't weird at all" said Angelina, as they all followed Dahlia through the entrance of the castle. "She just opened the door with her blood and do we find that normal?" she asked Fred and George in a dubious kind of whisper.

"You know that our Dahlia is special that way" answered Fred, kind of scared by the situation they were in.

"Prophecies, parseltongue, the Chosen One, she is our little box full of tricks. We souldn't be surprise to add 'The Unlocker of Ancient Castles' to the list" added George to his brother statement.

Once inside the castle, they walked through a long and wide corridor that was iluminated by torches on either side. They came to some sort of an inside stone courtyard surrounded by four staircases. 

Dahlia decided to go for the wide north staircase. This staircase had an enormous dragon statue in the middle, made of a beautiful and smooth white stone. The dragon was extremely detailed, his facial expression, his wings, and his scales. Near his claws, he had a stone sign that read: "Arrax, jentys hen gods". Hmm. Beautiful and powerful Arrax. 

"Why dragons? There's a lot of dragon statues and carvings" said Ginny as she looked around the courtyard

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"Why dragons? There's a lot of dragon statues and carvings" said Ginny as she looked around the courtyard. "Do you think that they used to be their pets?" she asked.

"No, they were their gods" answer Dahlia, looking at Ginny. "You see, this one..." she pointed to the big statue, "this one says that is called 'Arrax', and that he is the 'Ruler of Gods'. The one in the archway outside is called 'Vermax', and it says that he is the 'Protector of Valyria'. So no, they weren't their pets, they were their Gods." Dhalia finished her explanation, while she and Ginny looked up at the statue with amazement.

Upon reaching the front of the dragon, the staircase splits in two. Looking up, they could see that both stairs merged again, forming a circle going up a tower. They began their way up the stairs. They climbed for about ten minutes when they came up to a part of the stairs that didn't have a roof. As the group came up to the top of the stairs, they found a set of double doors.

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