Chapter #7 - The Worrying News from Essos

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One and a half year later

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One and a half year later

The Great Castle, Valyria

Dahlia couldn't wait for this meeting to be over. She was exhausted. She had been practicing with the captain of her Guard different battle strategies and swords skills yesterday afternoon, and she hadn't slept all that well last night. It seems that this Wizard's Council meeting was going to be longer than she had expected it to be.

It has been one and a half year since the wizard population, currently known by the different cities in Essos as the Valyrians, made their arrival to their new homeland. A lot had changed since that time, not only with the land, but also with their people.

After her friends left Balerion's chamber, they went back to the castle. They found the rest of the wizards inside a big hall full of long tables and chairs, at the far back side of the room, there was a dais where a long table was placed horizontally, with way more fancy chairs than the rest. The room was surrounded by large, glass windows, being lit up by torches on the walls, various chandeliers hanging up from the ceiling, and was candles all over the tables.

When they found the adults sitting at one of the tables, checking over an assortment of artifacts that were found during the wizard's exploration through the castle. They sat down and explained the situation to them, with as much details as they could remember. After answering question after question, the professors and most of the adults were in agreement with Dahlia.

They all came to the conclusion that it was essential for their survival as a society to work on the land, to make it more habitable and fruitful as soon as possible if they intended to relocate there. As of the moment, going home wasn't something as accessible as it was supposed to be due to the strangeness of the situation they were in.

They respected Dahlia's decision on having performed the ritual and becaiming their Queen, but they weren't going to fight the matter due to the presence, company and loyalty the great dragon Balerion had with her. They weren't THAT stupid. Plus, Dahlia has already proved herself to have the welfare of her people at the top of her mind and heart, before her own welfare.

After explaining everything to the whole group, and receiving confused, amazed and shocked expressions from almost every one of the wizards, something blocked the sunlight coming in from the glass windows. Every single wizard managed to take out their wands, and with Professor McGonagall in the lead, everyone jogged to the entrance of the castle.

McGonagall, Snape and Sirius were the first ones to arrive to the spacious courtyard that was located in the entrance of the castle. As the group kept filling out the main door and onto the steps, something blocked the sun.

"Wands ready!!!" McGonagall yelled loudly while trying to distinguish what was coming in their direction from the sky.

As every wizard pointed their wands forward, the shadowed figure kept coming closer, getting bigger and bigger by the second. As Neville finally distinguished what the shadow was, he elbowed his way to the front of the group until finally coming up to Professor McGonagall's right side.

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