Chapter 5. The Girl

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I look on Amazon for the books. I purchase, they will come in two days. In two days my friendship will be solidified. I text Macy my plan.

im buying the whole twilight
series for kartha hopefully
she'll forgive me??

k do whatevr u want

I hope I'm doing the right thing by spending $65 bucks on friendship. Kartha's love language is gifts, after all.

The next day, I walk to school with Lauren, as per usual. She's blabbering on about Owl House and how much she lovvvvvvves Amity. I wait for a stop in her rant to tell her about the Kartha solution.
"Um, Kartha was actually upset when I told her the thing, and now I have to buy all of the Twilight books for her and I mean, I don't HAVE to, but it'll likely heal our friendship an—"
"Oh my god, Minji! You don't have to do that! If she bugs you and won't allow you to set boundaries, you don't need to heal your friendship!" Lauren has a duh expression. "Also, you're overthinking it."
"Oh... okay." I say, embarrassed.
"I mean, I haven't known her very long, so what do I know?" She's embarrassed too.
"I'll just get her the first three." I say quickly.
"Okay. Cool."

We go to her place. The mom is watching The Bachelorette and making stir fry asparagus and carrots. "Lau-ren! I'm making stir fry!" she calls. "Oh... good."
Lauren leads me away to her room. She shows me a new webcomic and we listen to Reputation. A VIBE.

"You're so gorgeous— I can't say anything to your face. 'Cause look at your face."

Help. I'm freaking out over here. I'm listening to a Taylor song that makes me blush, and I'm with the girl I get nervous around sometimes.
I glance at her—her hair is amber and wavy and perfect— gahh I'm such a weirdo with a gorg friend!! Adrien would spit if she heard me say that, because for some reason she has the idea that I'm like really attractive? I don't know.
Lauren is screeching the lyrics of "Getaway Car": "THINK ABOUT THE PLACE WHERE YOU FIRST MET ME! RIDIN' IN A GETAWAY CAR!" I sing along to keep my cool.
But! I need to give myself the answers I've been waiting for.
What's up with me? Here's the big one: Do I like her?
Surprisingly, I've never thought about these things. I'll do my wondering later.

I stay for dinner and we eat the stir fry, rice, and teriyaki. It's pretty good. The mom is posh and funny. And of course, she tells me stories about Lauren when she was little ("MOMMMM!" she screams) and we watch Jeopardy after dinner. The mom knows most of the answers. "The U.S state Utah was founded in what year?" "What is 1896!" Lauren: "Wouldn't it be 'when is 1896'?"

When I get home at 8:00, Chloe makes fun of me yet again. "You sooooo like Lauren. Like, you've been at her house sooooo much!" I hate how she can read my mind. I listen to Taylor (of course) to clear my mind. Since it's late, I listen to Midnights.

"We were supposed to be just friends."

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