03. severus snape

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Under the cloak of nightfall, Hogsmeade station lies shrouded in darkness, the only illumination emanating from the flickering lantern held aloft by the towering figure of Hagrid. As the train's whistle echoes through the tranquil air, it chugs into view, its presence announced by the billowing steam that curls into the sky. Robed figures spill out from its carriages, their anticipation palpable in the cool night air.

With a hearty bellow, Hagrid beckons the first-year students forward, his voice booming over the murmurs of excitement and nervous energy that fill the platform. "This way, come on now! No need to dawdle, plenty to see!" Amidst the throng, Kimberly and Hermione, clad in their newly acquired Hogwarts robes, make their way towards Hagrid's welcoming figure. Among the familiar faces, they spot Ron and Harry, their tired expressions mirroring their own weariness from the journey.

"Ah, Kimberly, good to see ya!" Hagrid greets them warmly, his smile a beacon of reassurance in the dim light. "How was the journey?" he inquires, his concern evident as Kimberly stifles a yawn, her fatigue betraying the long hours spent aboard the train. Despite the weariness that tugs at her eyelids, Kimberly manages a faint smile, grateful for the familiar face amidst the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Good then. This way to the boats! Come on, now, follow me."


Ron's voice trembles with awe as he beholds the majestic silhouette of Hogwarts Castle against the backdrop of the night sky. "Wicked," he breathes, his eyes wide with wonder at the sheer grandeur of the ancient edifice. Hermione, her own gaze alight with fascination, echoes her sentiment, remarking on the enormity of the castle that looms before them like a mythical fortress from a storybook.

However, amidst the exclamations of admiration, Kimberly's response is markedly subdued. Her eyes, heavy with fatigue and dulled by the overwhelming excitement of the day, survey the castle with a disinterested gaze, the weight of exhaustion tugging at her every movement. Despite her weariness, the boats ferry them ever closer towards the looming silhouette of the castle, its imposing presence casting a spell of anticipation over the weary travelers. As they disembark and make their way through the halls of the castle, the first-year students are met with the imposing figure of Professor McGonagall, her stern countenance softened only slightly by the faintest hint of warmth in her eyes. With a measured tap of her fingers against the stone railing, she awaits their arrival, her gaze steady as she watches the newcomers ascend the staircase with a mixture of curiosity and expectation. Stepping forward to greet them, she stands at the top of the stairs, a beacon of authority and guidance in the labyrinthine corridors of Hogwarts.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup."

A ripple of amusement courses through the assembled students as Neville Longbottom, with an exclamation of recognition, "Trevor!" His toad perched near Professor McGonagall's feet. With a determined leap forward, Neville rushes to retrieve his pet, his cheeks flushing crimson under the scrutiny of his classmates' amused gazes. McGonagall, her stern expression momentarily softened by the scene unfolding before her, observes Neville with a mixture of amusement and mild reproach, her gaze lingering just long enough to add to his embarrassment before he retreats sheepishly to his previous position. Slinking back to his spot beside Kimberly, Neville can't help but cringe at the memory of his awkward display, his cheeks still burning with embarrassment. "That was embarrassing," he murmurs to Kimberly, seeking solace in her understanding gaze. With a sympathetic nod, Kimberly acknowledges his embarrassment, her own fatigue momentarily forgotten in the face of Neville's discomfort.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, draco malfoyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat