Moving back

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You woke up the following morning with a beaming headache.  The sun blazing through your curtains, warming your sheets. Ah todays the day, you thought. It had been six years since you were in Eldia. Its not like you was running away from home. Your Parents and all your friends lived there. You had left in Junior high  to live with your aunt to pursue your studies ,and fell in love with the city of Marley and been there ever since.  Marley didn't have any schools that  you could attend that would complete your degree. You had been going to Lago University for the past two years that's as far as the program would allow for your autonomy degree, but Eldia had the perfect school for you. It had been years since you've seen you're friends.  It didn't bother you though life goes on. You gathered your last suitcase and jamming it into your small, white, Honda civic, when your phone starts to ring

mom~ sweetie me and your farther are at the airport we don't see you

y/n~ The AIRPORT MOM  I wont be there for another four hours!

mom~ What I thought you said 10Am

y/n~ That's when my plane leaves 

mom~ Oh god let me go get your farther he even has a sigh with your name embarrassing  himself ill call you back 

You had grown up in a beautiful house surround by acers of land, both your parents were wealthy on their own, money was never an issue. You were a golden child. 

You had finally made it to the airport. Rushing as you only had 30 minutes until take off. You looked at your watch as you ran to the boarding lines.

I'm gonna make it.  I'm gonna make it , you yell to yourself speeding through the airport like you formed wheels.

You were finally on your plane, taking a deep breath ,looking out your window just before the plane took off. You wondered what Eldia was like. It had been so long but your wondered  about your old friends. You wanted to know how everyone was doing, where everyone was. You questioned if they would even noticed you anymore. Doesn't matter, you thought to yourself. After 3 hours your plane lands. The fresh smell of trees and damp grass bringing back memories in the air. 

"Sweetie over here! " Your mom shouts waving her hands as your dad held up a welcome home sigh.

you smile walking in their direction " Hey mom, Hey dad." The smell of their clothing reminded you of your old house. Your parents were both pretty young. You was an only child and your mom had you at 16.

" You're coming to the house right? We're gonna cook your favorite meal." Your mom ask grabbing your arm

" I can't I have to go to the Dorms  first ." You sigh in frustration. You had completely forgot you had to conform your dorm in the office when your transfer date was official. Your parents dropped you off at Rose university. The campus Huge with three budlings being for classes and another three being dorms. .  You made your way to the front office. Anxious and excited at the same time.

" Hi I'm Y/N I just transferred from Lago University and I was coming to conform my dorm room." You said to the lady at the table.  She was young maybe in her late 20s. She had pretty long black hair and big brown eyes.

" Ah the Marley girl. You don't look like a Marley girl" she smirks handing you paper work for the available dorms. You ignored her comment. Looking at the sheets only three rooms were currently availably and each had a roommate. room 111 was 960 sq feet, two bed rooms one bath, room 007 760sq, two bed rooms 2 baths, and room 205 980sq feet, two beds 2 in a half baths.

" I'll take room 205. " You smile sighing your name. she inputs all your information into the computers and hands you a key.

"You're all set. You'll get your schedule tomorrow morning.  I hope you like it here."   you look around, the campus bigger than your old one. You had no Idea which buildings were the dorms and which were the classes.

"Shut up." a familiar voice shots. You turn to see Connie standing inches from you.

"y/n? Is that you is that really you?" He says grabbing your hands

" What the hell are you doing here!" He shouts squeezing your hands tighter.

" I just transferred to finish off my degree here." You smile unfazed at how tight he was gripping  you. He wore a Green bottom up and black jeans. He's hair still short but dyed jet black.

" Oh god everyone gonna love this!" He shouts  jumping with excitement 

You thought to yourself just who was everyone.

" Give me your schedule let me see, let me see." He pouts with his hands out, gripping air.

" I haven't gotten it yet but can you help me find dorm room 205. " You ask holding up your key.

" 205 I think that's near Mikasa room." He says gliding his chin with his hands.

Mikasa... your heart was skipping beats. Mikasa was one of your best friends and the thought of her being there made you excited.

You follow Connie to the dorm. You was on the third floor. The hallways crowed with students and the smell of weed sprayed the air. You unlock the door and Connie follows. The room seemed empty but you were unsure if anyone was actually there. You looked in the kitchen, which was fully stacked. The living neat and clean. There were two rooms one on each end and a hallway restroom. You opened one of the following doors trying to find which room was empty and there you seen Historia giving Eren head.

You stand mouth dropped to your knees. Connie follows mirroring your reaction.

"What the fuck!"

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