A Normal Day

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A Few Hours Later (Thursday)


*Sonic's POV*

I was fast asleep after telling my family I would only sleep for five more minutes, but then our dad burst in

Jules: Sonic Maurice Hedgehog, get your butt out of bed now! You're gonna be late!

Me: Why aren't you fussing at Sonia and Manic?

Jules: Because they're already ready while you're still sleeping!

Me: *sits up and stretches* Fine I'm awake now..sheesh..

Jules: Good, now get ready

He then walked out of the room, he metallic footsteps fading as he headed down the hall, I was unfazed since it wasn't the first time I've been lectured about this and I've been lectured worse than that before as well, I quickly got dressed, still controlling my speed, I almost tripped a few times, but didn't exactly fall to the floor or make a bunch of noise, once ready, I walked out of the room and into the kitchen to see the rest of my family, my mom drinking coffee and my dad eyeing the drink jealous that he couldn't drink coffee, or any drink, anymore due to being robotized a month after Manic was born, Sonia and Manic had their backpacks on and Manic had a piece of toast sticking out of his mouth while Sonia was talking about something, I walked over and sat beside Sonia and grabbed a piece of toast, then Sonia turned to me as Manic continued eating his toast

Sonia: Finally decide to join us eh?

Me: Hey a guys gotta get his eight hours of sleep

Sonia: *chuckles* You got more than eight

Manic: Yeah, you got like twelve

Me: Is that so?

Sonia: Yes

Manic: Hah!

Jules: *turns to mom* How did we raise them again?

Bernadette: *doesn't look up from her coffee* Through hard work and determination, also a high tolerance to noise and fatigue

Jules: Oh

Me and both my siblings burst out laughing at what mom and dad had just said, then there was a persistent knock at the door then it abruptly stopped when a voice came from the door

Voice: *muffled* Someone open the doooooor

Me: I'll get it!

Jules: Nope, I will

He left the room and returned with Uncle Chuck and Shard, I knew Larry liked to walk on his own, so I assumed that was why he wasn't with them

Bernadette: Oh Charles, is Shard going with Sonic, Manic, and Sonia today?

Chuck: Yeah, I have to get to work, and Larry had already left, I also don't trust him to walk to school by himself

Shard: Which is stupid

Jules: Well, it's time to go to school, everyone out the door, now, I don't care if it doesn't take long to get there

Shard: We just got here

Chuck: You heard him, now skedaddle

We all quickly finished eating, except Shard, and left the house, leaving the adults alone, we then decided to just walk to school today so we had time to talk

Sonia: So, Manic, you got any new friends?

Manic: No, not yet

Shard: What if you tried hanging with some of our classmates?

Manic: Sure, you guys think you can arrange that after school?

Shard: Yeah

Me: Sure

Sonia: Can't have one of my family members being friendless

Shard: Soo, Sonic, you wanna stay the night at school tomorrow?

Me: Yep, I'm also planning on inviting some of our friends

Manic: What about me and Sonia?

Sonia: Shh, we can play that game tomorrow night that annoys Sonic if he's going to be somewhere else

Manic: Oooh

Shard: Who're you inviting?

Me: Mighty, Antoine, Venice, Silver, Nicole, Amy, Ray, Sally, and Elias

Shard: Wow, you've already got that planned out don't ya?

Me: Yep, I even have an excuse ready for what we'll tell our parents

Shard: And what is that?

Me: We'll tell them we're going camping together for the night, I mean, what kind of parents don't want their kids to spend more time together in the outdoors?

Shard: Yeah! I just hope Gramps allows me to go 'camping'

Manic: Why wouldn't he?

Shard: The guy doesn't even allow me to walk to school by myself, yet he trusts a bad luck magnet to go by himself, no offense to Larry

Me: I'm sure you'll be able to come. It'll be fun to just stay the night at school

Manic: And weird

Sonia: Usually kids are trying to get away from school but you all are spending more time there

Me: Only because it's the only place in town where other kids won't bother us

We continued talking as we walked to school, when we made it, I put my stuff in my locker quickly and went to class, I sat between Bean and Tangle, with Ray behind me, Mr. Lee wasn't even there yet though, Bean was trying to snatch my pencil, but I smacked his hand without even looking at him, or changing my expression

Bean: Yowch!

Then Mr. Lee walked in

Mr. Lee: We are not gonna be behind everything today, get your textbooks out

A Few Hours Later (Lunch Time)

Me, Shard, Mighty, Antoine, Venice, Silver, Nicole, Amy, Ray, Sally, and Elias were sitting down at a table together, talking about whatever, I had already told them about the plan for tomorrow night, but we made sure not to blurt out any details that would get us in trouble or caught before we got the chance to do it, I then saw a girl who's never been to this school before, sitting by herself, I was pretty sure she was in Sally and Nicole's class, she was a squirrel, and I also think her name was Megan

Me: Hey, guys do you think we should go see if Megan's ok? That is her name right?

Sally: Yeah, and sure

Elias: I'll go, you guys can stay here

Mighty: Oh ok

He then picked up his tray and walked over to where Megan was sitting, I watched them talk inaudibly for a little, then Elias started leading her to our table, she was smiling, then Elias sat back down with Megan sitting beside him

Elias: Well, now you have a whole lot of friends

Megan: Thanks

Me: Sup! I'm Sonic

Megan: Megan

After all the introductions, we continued our chat, but with Megan included, I wanted to invite her to stay the night at the school the next night, but I didn't to risk her getting in trouble within her first week at a new school, what kind of friend would do that to a new kid, once we finished lunch, we all headed back to our classes

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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