First Day of School

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Monday (The end of Summer break)


*Elias's POV*

I was fast asleep when the alarm clock started ringing, I groggily sat up and checked the time "6:00 AM" Time to get ready for the first day of another year of hell, I flopped myself back into a laying position and closed my eyes as I covered my face with my blanket, but my peace was soon interrupted by our annoying little brother, Ray, pulling my blanket off of me

Ray: Mom and dad said we have to wake up at 6:00 or else we'll be late, don't forget that summer breaks over

Me: *Grumbles* I didn't forget, I just wanted to get in a few more minutes of sleep

Ray: Well too bad, cause dad wants us to get ready before 7:00 so we can relax for a little

Me: I don't care

Ray: Well you should care, cause if we're late on our first day and it's your fault, then both me and Sally are most likely going to go after you

Me: Fiiiiine, I'm getting up

I then got up out of bed as Ray left, after setting my blanket back on my bed, and walked into the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and hair then walked out of my room, grabbing my backpack that I kept beside the doorway, I swung it up so only one strap was around my shoulder, I walked into the kitchen to see the rest of my family sitting at the table, eating toast, Ray was bouncing in his seat as usually, me and Sally had even come up with a nickname for him, V.E.S, it stands for Very Energetic Squirrel which thoroughly described his personality, I walked over and hung my backpack on the chair I was gonna sit on, which was beside Sally, I grabbed a piece of toast and started eating

Alicia: Are you three ready for the new school year?

The three of us: Yes/No

I had been the one who said no

Alicia: Why not?

Me: Because, news flash, Mr. Raco was a butt and I'm pretty sure my new teacher, Ms. Kiwi, as she calls herself, will be just as much as a butt as Mr. Raco

Alicia: Not all teachers are the same Elias

Me: Well, sure not all of them are the exact same, but as I went through the grades, I've noticed, the higher the grade, the more buttheaded the teacher

Ray: Hehe 'buttheaded'

Sally: I see why during orientation, Mr. Raco said, these are his exact words, "In all my 30 years of teaching, I have never seen a child with behavior as bad as your big brother, which is saying something, I'm just surprised he wasn't held back for such behavior"

Max: Which is why I expect you to behave better

Me: Fine, but it's not my fault the teachers hate me

Ray: Well according to Mr. Raco, it is your fault

I growled at him while giving him a death glare

Max: Don't take your anger out on your brother

I rolled my eyes


I was putting my stuff in my locker when suddenly it slammed shut in front of me, I turned to see Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow, and Storm the Albatross, aka the Babylon Rogues, or in shorter terms, minor bullies, they usually only picked on people and rarely resort to physical violence and they made everyone their target, except other bullies that were tougher than they are, but instead of a smirk, they had a different expression, they were frowning and looked a bit beat up

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