Mysteries Solved

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The Next Day (Thursday)

2:27 AM

*Antoine's POV*

Sonic was tapping his foot impatiently, continously looking at the clock on the wall, all three of us were inside the school already in front of the entrance, Mighty brought his backpack, and we all had flashlights, except mine and Sonic's weren't on at the moment

Sonic: Why is he late?

Mighty: Sonic, it's only been 20 minutes since we got here, give him some time

Me: *mutters* Oh, nous allons nous faire prendre..

Mighty: Huh?

Me: What?

Mighty: What did you say?

Me: Oh. Nothzing

Then the doors creaked open to reveal a fourth flashlight, we saw Elias close the doors, we also saw a Chao floating near him

Sonic: Who's your new friend?

Elias: Oh, this is Ross

Ross: Chao Chao!

Mighty: Nice

Me: Can we get zis over with? Zen we go home?

Elias: Yeah, if anyone catches us, we'll be in big trouble, so let's go

Mighty: Wait! Shouldn't we make a plan first?

Sonic: Uuuuuuuugh

Elias: Dude, seriously? Do you have to react like that?

Sonic: Yes, I'm impatien..

All of us: We know!

Sonic chuckled, then Mighty spoke up

Mighty: So, what are we here for exactly?

Elias: I need to solve a few mysteries and one of which, I can't solve during the day because it requires access to the school cams to solve

Sonic: Y'know, I have my own mystery to solve

Elias: Really?

Sonic: Someone stole a bunch of stuff from Mr. Marmo's and Mr. Lee's classrooms, and I'm determine to figure out who

Elias: Anyone else have anything they'd like us to figure out? I mean we might as well solve all the mysteries since we're here!

Me: Oui, I have one

Elias: Go ahead

Me: Ze chemicals in ze science lab were mixed up, making ze catastrophe more likely to happen

Mighty: Oh yeah! I heard about that! A science experiment messed up, luckily no one was hurt, but it burned the table, despite there not being a fire-drill

Sonic: Well, it looks like we got out hands full tonight! Also, we should definitely just have a sleepover at the school one of these days

Elias: How about tomorrow night?

Sonic: Sure! And we should invite more people

Mighty: Guys, we're getting off subject

Me: Oui

Sonic: Got it, so, what's the plan?

Elias: Well, since there are three mysteries and four of us, I was thinking we could split up into two groups and each group takes one mystery to solve, and when both of the mysteries are solved, we get back together and solve the last

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