Stuck in a Graveyard at Night

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Because Mr. Raco is a B!t#h, and doesn't give a single sh!t about his students, should honestly be fired and not get any f#ckin money, but the d#mn school is low on teachers and need him

(The Next Day) Tuesday


*Sally's POV*

Once the alarm clock went off, I turned it off and sat up, rubbing my eyes, I got out of bed and slipped my shoes on along with my gloves, I jumped out of bed and walked into the bathroom, turning on the light to wake myself up, then I started brushing my hair and teeth, once I finished, I grabbed my backpack out of my closet and swung it over my shoulders, I re-checked the time to see it was 6:30, I smiled then walked out of my room and into the kitchen, I grabbed a banana and sat down, our parents were doing something in their room, then Ray ran in, literally running into a chair

Me: Oh Chaos! Ray, are you alright?

Ray: *jumps to his feet* I'm fine, this chair isn't that tough

Me: Ok, so what's got you in a good mood this morning

Ray: Oh Mr. Lee is planning on taking us on a walk outside near the forest today for science

Me: That's good, Mr. Raco's taking my class to a graveyard before school ends

Ray: Oh. Wait, where's Elias?

Me: My guess. Still in bed

Ray: I'll go get him

He then ran out and into Elias's room, a few moments later, Ray ran out screaming with a smile on his face, and Elias came out of his room with a pillow in hand, smiling playfully, I chuckled as my brothers played around, already ready for school, so they had time to play around, once it was 7:50, we left the house and started heading to school

Me: So, Elias, what put you in a good mood this morning?

Elias: The fact that I know Ms. Kiwi isn't a jerk and doesn't hate me

Me: Oh, I see. One good day at school changed your outlook on it, didn't it?

Elias: Maybe, I mean yesterday was ok, except for getting hit in the face with a dodgeball, I'm also in a good mood, because I have a little mystery to solve today

Me: Oh

Ray: What're you trying to figure out?

Elias: Who hit me with that dodgeball and why the Babylon Rogues asked me to get Geoffrey off their back, even though they were on his back

Me: Well, good luck with that

Elias: Thanks

Once they arrive at school

I shut my locker and then started heading to class, as I walked upstairs I heard Lightning and Fiona picking on someone, I turned a corner to see two of my classmates being bullied, Shard and Larry, Larry was sitting on the floor against the wall, his ears pinned against his head, and Shard was in front of him, his eyes and gem red, ready to fight Lightning and Fiona

Me: Hey!

They all turned to see me

Fiona: I don't want to deal with this today, come on Lightning

They then split up to go to class, I walked over to Shard as he helped up Larry, Shard's eyes and gem turning back to green and Larry's ear perked back up slightly

Me: You two ok?

Larry: Yeah, though I think I have a bruise on the back of my head

Shard: I'm fine

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