Steve,Natasha and horror

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Steve and Nat are trapped in an increasingly horrible nightmare, will they make it through in one piece?


The movie theater began to bustle as families and critics made their way out of the packed room, Steve shook out the pins and needles in his foot, he absentmindedly wondered how a guy like him could still have such mundane things happen to him but shook away the thoughts.

"What did ya' think of the flick old timer?" Nat popped another piece of salty popcorn into her mouth with a satisfying crunch.

"Eh I'm not a fan of horrors anymore, I've seen a few in real life, I don't fancy seeing them on screen." He sighed knowing that he sounded his age and waited for Nat to laugh, surprisingly she didn't.

"Yeah I get ya'. Anyway you just wait for spooky season, that's where the true horror lies, those masks hah." She snorted and the duo made their way to the exit when a blood curdling scream reverberated through the room.

His heart constricted but he shook it off, probably some kind of effect, these new places will do anything to get punters in. Another scream, this time Steve looked to his left and right, front and back in quick succession.

He grabbed Nat's arm and ducked behind the nearest row of chairs, "What the fuck are you doing Steve?"

Green almond shaped eyes locked onto his clearly in a state of confusion, not Nat's usual state in a time of crisis, "Nat, those screams, two, about twenty seconds apart..."

Her eyes widened and she shook her head slowly, "Steve no one's been screaming." An awkward smiled cracked out onto the red head's face, she laughed and waited for her friend to do the same, but he didn't laugh.

"Nat, we've got to check it out." The former spy looked apprehensive and Steve's heart raced and breathing was becoming erratic but they both knew they'd regret it if they didn't at least check.

There was something different about investigating something on his days off, it left him feeling unprepared, at least with an assignment you knew what you were getting.

The room was utterly empty, had been for at least a minute as they walked through the aisles checking rows of seats with cell phone flashlights, they walked the whole area and came to the conclusion that nothing occurred there...

"Look Steve maybe it was just the movie playing tricks, it's been a busy month and I guess it wasn't a great idea of mine." She trailed off and the blond suddenly felt a sinking in his stomach, he put a hand on her arm, "Hey no, look it's my fault, just overtired."

His weak smile seemed to put her at ease as her arm relaxed under his touch, the warm feeling tingled his hand even after he'd removed it from her. He blushed and made to get out of dodge.

But as the textured metal of the door came into contact with his skin he hissed at the strange sharp pain, Nat rushed over and checked his hand, Steve expected to see a searing mark, the heat of the metal surely would have marked him?

"What's wrong? Not another damn splinter Steve." He couldn't manage a retort at her sarcasm, as he stood transfixed by his hand. But there should be a mark, it was so hot...wait, why was it...?

"Nat! Is there any smoke?"

"Steve, what's wrong with you tonight? The movie scare you that bad?"

He shook his head and whipped around looking for the source of the heat, but there was no smoke...looking towards the doors, he swallowed past the lump in his throat and tentatively placed a hand and when there was no heat this time made to push but it didn't budge.

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