Avengers watching a TV show about themselves.

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A boring, late night leads the avengers to watching a TV show about themselves

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A boring, late night leads the avengers to watching a TV show about themselves.

"I don't get it, is it us?" asked Steve.

A little over an hour now, all of the Avengers have gathered together to watch a TV show on Disney XD about the Avengers, a new show that Disney put out.

Cassie, who got Peter and her father to watch it with her earlier this morning, decided she wanted everyone to watch the show too.

So here they are, watching a kid's show about themselves.

"By the looks of things, yes." Tony has been the only one not to find it weird, but yet again there is an Iron Man movie out about him.

"I'm surprised they know so much about us" T'Challa piped up from where he's sitting on the couch, "Especially since there isn't much information about the newer additions, myself included."

"Don't worry about it. Kid's shows make things up all the time, mostly to have a plot for the newest season" Scott says as he grabs another handful of popcorn.

Hope lifts the bowl out of her lap and gave it to Scott. "I'm just glad they remember that the Wasp is a thing."

"Oh and Ms. Marvel!" added Scott.

"Yeah but they haven't join until season 4: Secret Wars," Sam said, taking a seat next to Clint. "Plus what was up with me back in season 1, I was not that young when I joined the Avengers."

"Another thing that they made up, plus they did that to Ms. Marvel, they made her the main focus –kinda– throughout season 4."

Everyone took a moment before agreeing with what Scott said.

"How do you know kid cartoons so well?" asked Steve.

"Duh," the ex-thief points down at his daughter, who's sitting on the floor.

"Oh right – Hey!" Steve turned to Bucky, who had thrown popcorn at his face. "What was that for?"

"Quiet they're going to be showing the trailer for next season."

The group quieted down to watch it. Once it was over, Tony got up.
"Whelp have fun with this season T'Challa." Tony left for the kitchen since there are no other episodes to watch until the new season
comes out.

"Yea, have fun princey" Scott said as he, Hope, and Cassie left.

Slowly the other avengers have left for bed or headed home.

Once everyone is gone, Peter sat down next to T'Challa.

"If it makes you feel any better, they're probably going to show how awesome you are, unlike my shows where they only showed me as a dork." Peter shrugs while T'Challa just sighs.

This is going to be a long season.    


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