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Hey everyone. I am so sorry that I am about to say this, but I am not going to continue to write this. I would like to state that I am not doing very well as of the time being and I dont have the will to write this book anymore. But I would like to at least tell you, reader, what happens.

To continue where I left off, El and Max do learn about Winnie's powers and her visions. She makes them promise not to tell anyone; which they dont. The timeline goes the same as the show, everything from the Sauna test to the battle of Starcourt. But instead of Billy saving El, Winnie uses her abilities to save Billy from getting attacked by the spider mind flayer. But the spider like creature ends up almost killing Winnie, yet she survives. That's when the mall starts to collapse and Billy, or anyone else didn't manage to grab Winnie (who was badly injured) before an 'I' beam fell, down right next to her blocking the path to her.

But when Billy tells the firefighters to go in and save her. After the firefighters go in, they don't find anyone left (Hopper too) they come out and tell Billy no one is there.

What happened then?

The gang had to explain what happened with the mind flayer to Billy, along with explaining the upside down. But Billy spends the summer searching for Winnie, Max tells him that Winnie is most likely dead and should give up. But Billy doesn't stop as he thinks she is still out there. He does end up somehow going to college, and joins a frat. He is still hot as hell and the ladies are all over him. So, to handle everything, he starts sleeping around a lot more and starts drowning his sorrows in liquor. He still feels like Winnie is out there, but she just doesn't want him anymore. He hasn't had a sober day or a steady relationship since Winnie "Died". He is living a broken man when he drops out and goes back to Hawkins to live with Susan, Max and, Neil

So where did Winnie go??

Winnie ends up being taken by the Russians along with Hopper, but she managed to escape them after they had to stop and tend to her wounds to not let her die.

Winnie eventually passes out and somehow loses all of her memories of people. She had her core memories but the names and faces of the people are blurred in her mind. Winnie doesn't know who she is anymore so she proceeds to wander and starts drag racing for money. Going by the name: Red Rockefeller and dyes streaks on her hair, bright red. She gets caught but is offered a professional race car driver job by a big shot manger. She becomes a top driver by the time she is 21, with a whole new life, friends and even a boyfriend by the name of "AHEM" Matt Dillon. *Cough cough.*


She gets drunk and starts having these drastic flashbacks. One night, she thinks she is having a nightmare, but it's Fourth of July of '85, the battle of Starcourt. She then jolts up and regains all of her memories. But that day, she had two options, return to Hawkins or... Go to a once and a lifetime chance of racing in the one and only NASCAR. As she is getting on the plane she runs off and decides to go Hawkins.

She arrives in Hawkins and the first thing she does is drive like a maniac to the Mayfield-Hargrove residence. When she knocks and opens the door, Susan almost faints. Susan manages to call out to Billy who was drinking in his room, and he comes out.

(This is a part I had written in my notes app):

Winnie's pov:

I stood there in absolute shock as I stared at Billy. I felt my heart break as I met his blue eyes and I saw him drop the bottle of beer and it shattered into pieces he had in hand as his jaw dropped. His lip quivered and he said in a whisper like tone: "Win?" He looked like he was going to cry. So was I.
I ran over to him and embraced him. He hugged me back as we broke down and I cried onto his shoulder, my heavy eyeliner and mascara running.

(That was all I had written for that)

Billy and Winnie end up reunited. She breaks down and the two share a kiss. She reunites with the rest of her old friends, and to her surprise, Eddie and Steve are dating, and the rest of the gang is doing pretty well. But Winnie was conflicted. She had to choose, Live a life of Luxury and fame with Matt and her racing career, or go back with Hawkins and her little old life. Without second thought, Winnie chose Billy, Taking the money and she and Billy moved back to the little town in Southern California they both grew up in.

In the summer '99, she and Billy got married with everyone from Hawkins, except for Neil was there. Even Cassie came back to be her maid of honor. (After kicking Winnie's ass for losing her memory).
It was beautiful ceremony and not very long after, Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove found out they were pregnant. In the year of 2000, Winnie gave birth to their son, Cooper Hargrove.

... And they lived happily ever after. Minus in 2016, Cooper joining forces with the rest of the old gang, going to the upside down and giving Billy an almost heart attack when his only son came back with a demadog at his heels.

Thank you all so much for reading this book,. I appreciate it. And for the last time..

Xoxo -Reese 💋

Teenage dream     ||Billy Hargrove x OC||Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu