𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸: 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙳𝚊𝚢'𝚜 𝙳𝚘𝚘𝚖

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Nadia then sighed as she leaned back on the wall that was right behind her, preparing herself for what she was about to tell Latisha. "I heard you and Mrs Garcia talk..." Nadia revealed as she dropped eye contact with Latisha to look down at her food.

"Wait, you were eavesdropping our conversation??" Said Latisha somewhat embarrassed and angry at Nadia for doing so.

Latisha was embarrassed enough at the idea of getting told off every single day, not talking about now knowing that someone else knew about her current situation.

Nadia quickly raised her sight from her hamburger and looked at Latisha, quickly moving her head from side to side, trying to make Latisha understand that, that wasn't the case.

"No, no, no... I was just outside the classroom, waiting for you to come out so we could go together to the next lesson and well, Mrs Garcia doesn't really have the quietest of voices, so I was basically able to hear everything she said and what the conversation was about... Once Mrs Garcia left the classroom, I wanted to go inside to talk to you and that but, when I was about to enter, I heard your sobs... And well... I just thought you would appreciate some alone time, so I left and made my way to the next lesson..."Nadia explained as she nervously looked down at her hands.

"...." Latisha remained silent for a while, she didn't know what to say, she wanted to tell Nadia all of her insecurities, but then, at the same time, she felt too scared to do so... After all, it was all her fault, SHE was the one that was failing to uphold the standards of the school, it was not the school's fault for having them imposed. And now, all she had left to do was either prepare herself for exclusion or try her best to prove them all that she was worth staying in Riversmoond.

But this burden she was carrying was getting way too heavy... With GSCE examinations getting closer and closer, Latisha was constantly being reminded of the little time she had left to improve and oh, believe me, the stress was driving her insane.

Nadia, seeing how silent Latisha had gone, raised her head and sighed. "You should have told me about your struggles earlier... "

Nadia felt really bad for Latisha. She had never imagined that her best friend could be going through such a tough time, but once she heard how Latisha was crying earlier, she could feel the pain Latisha was going through, almost as if they were connected.

"I just don't know what to do. The more I try, the more I fail. I'm just a good-for-nothing,.. At this point am I even going to pass my GSCEs?" Latisha said as tears started to form in her eyes. "No wonder my parents abandoned me. They probably just left me with my auntie because I was nothing but a burden to them." Latisha's voice broke as she said this. She wiped away her tears before they fell and sniffled a little as she looked to the side. It was clear she was trying her best to not show how vulnerable she was feeling at that point.

"Latisha- don't say that-" Nadia somewhat felt guilty for not realizing Latisha's struggles sooner. She should have been more attentive, she should have been there for her.

But now... She would do something about it. She would support Latisha just like she had done with her before when she was struggling with her issues.

"Don't worry about it Tisha, from now on, I will help you get back up! We will study together and I'll give you all of my study tips so you can find studying easier, te parece bien (Are you alright with that)?" Nadia smiled as she placed a hand on Latisha's shoulder, reassuring her that everything would be fine.

Latisha raised her head, looking at her friend somewhat surprised by what she had said. Seeing her friend's smile really helped her realise, there was still hope. Despite the small amount of time, there was still hope for her and future. She just needs to keep on pushing.

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