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"Have fun," Dohyun says as we part ways.

I nod in response and walk to the assistant's room. Mrs. Cho is standing in front of the door, her brown eyes zeroed in on me. I sigh, preparing myself for whatever insults she throws my way.

"Mr. Wi wishes to speak with you."

Her thin, red lips are pulled into a smug smile. My heart rate quickens as the panic sets in. Am I really about to lose my job?

While we walk to his office, I try to remember anything I've done wrong. Nothing comes to mind except for the time I ran into him. Surely he wouldn't retaliate because of it? It's been weeks since that happened.

We stop in front of the dark gray door, and my mouth goes dry as she knocks loudly.

"Come in."

She opens the door, that smug smile still on her face. The two of us stand in front of the CEO, but he's still looking at his computer screen.

"Please, have a seat," he says, finally looking at me.

My back is pin straight, making the already uncomfortable chair even more painful. Mrs. Cho is relaxed, her hands clasped together, and resting in her lap. She's enjoying this.

"I've called for this meeting regarding your employment here, Ms. (L/n)."

I force myself to nod.

"You will no longer work as an assistant here."

The air feels thicker, making it harder to breathe. I pinch myself, trying to pull myself out of my thoughts. A bitter smile makes its way onto my face, and I can hear Mrs. Cho stifle a laugh.

Mr. Wi looks between the two of us, "For now on, you'll be working on the marketing team."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, ignoring Mrs. Cho's appalled gasp. Did I hear him right? Of course I didn't, I must be losing my mind.

"Pardon me?" I ask slowly.

"I looked over your files. You have a bachelor's degree in marketing. You're too overqualified to be an assistant."

Mrs. Cho sputters in disbelief, "She's been an assistant for two years. Why is it just now a problem?"

"Why were you hired as an assistant when you're qualified for much higher positions?"

I think over his words, still trying to process them. Nothing makes sense to me right now, but I do my best to answer.

"I originally applied for a position in marketing, but the former CEO felt that I wouldn't be able to handle the job. He was worried that I would have a hard time communicating due to me being from overseas."

He hated women and foreigners. Of course, I'm not gonna say that out loud.

"You proved to me that you're fully capable of the position when I asked you questions. Your promotion will go into effect this Thursday," Mr. Wi says, turning back to his computer.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Wi. I promise to work hard and do my best."

"Don't thank me, thank Lee Dohyun. He's the one who brought this issue to attention."

My eye twitches, but my smile remains. "I'll be sure to thank him as well."

I'm going to stomp his ass into the ground.

"Please show Ms. (L/n) to her new office," he says, giving Mrs. Cho a hard stare.

"Of course, Mr. Wi."

We bow to him before leaving. As soon as we're a safe distance away from the door, she grabs my arm. "Don't let this mistake get to your head. You'll always be beneath everyone."

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