Strange Man

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It's been a week since Mr. Wi took over the company. I haven't spoken to him since his first day, and I rarely ever see him. Every now and then, I'll pass him in the hall, making sure to stand out of his way and bow in respect.

Dohyun has been working closely with him, which is to be expected. Dohyun's good at his job and communicating. We talk every night after work. He talks about new updates and features he's developing for the app. I never understand what he's saying, but listen anyway.

"(Y/n), I need you to come sort paperwork for me."

Dohyun stands in front of me, his hands on his hips. I want to roll my eyes and punch him in the stomach, but we're at work. So I can't.

"Yes, Mr. Lee."

He smirks and leads me to his office. Bossing me around at work is one of his favorite things to do until we go back to my house and I hit him with my heels.

"These are the papers I need sorted," he says, pointing at a messy stack of papers on his desk.

I sit at the desk, and he shuts the door behind him before sitting at his computer.

"How do you ever expect to get a girlfriend when you're this messy and annoying?"

He stops typing to glare at me, "How do you expect to get a boyfriend when you look like you want to kill everyone and only hang out with me?"

"I never said I wanted a boyfriend," I mumble.

He continues typing, "And I never said I wanted a girlfriend. Why would I need one anyway? I have you, and you're entertaining enough for me."

"Wow, thanks. I'm so glad you've deemed me entertaining enough," I reply, shooting a rubber band at him.

He dodges it and gives me a disapproving look. I match his look before sorting through the papers. It's amazing how disorganized they are.

"You really should be more organized."

"That's what I have you for."

My eyebrows raise in shock, what a very man thing to say.

"I'm not your maid, Dohyun."

He smiles, "Of course not. You're my best friend, who I love more than anything."

"Shut up," I say, setting the organized papers down.

The building's sound system beeps, letting us know a message is about to come through.

"Cho Minyoung is requesting (Y/n) (L/n)."

The message ends with another loud beep, Dohyun snickers. "Good luck."

I begrudgingly leave his office and head over to Mrs. Cho's office. Hopefully, this won't end as bad as it normally does.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"I need you to copy these and take them to Mr. Wi's office," the older woman says, not even looking up to meet my eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know where the CEO's office is. Could you tell me where to go?"

She continues typing on her keyboard, "That's not my problem. Hurry along now, Mr. Wi is known to be an impatient man."

I grab the large stack of papers and walk back to the assistants area where all of the copy machines are. There's at least sixty papers to copy. Who even needs this many papers?

Some of the other assistants flock to me, their eyes shining mischievously.

"I heard you're delivering papers to the new CEO," Sara says.

I nod, "Yes."

"He's rather handsome, don't you think? I think he'll be much better than Mr. Choi."

The younger girls giggle, the idea of shamelessly complimenting their boss obviously thrills them. However, it is unprofessional and juvenile.

"He's only been CEO for a week. Let's not judge his work ethic based on his looks. Mr. Choi is an intelligent man and ran this company well."

He was a grouchy old man who hit on every female worker and hated me for being a foreigner.

Someone clears their throat, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. I follow the younger girl's shocked gaze and see Mr. Wi standing at the door.

"Could you copy these for me as well?" he asks, setting a couple of papers down on the machine.

"Yes, sir."

It's silent for a few seconds, the only sound being the sound of the copy machine. I finally look up to meet the eyes of the man beside me. He nods when our eyes meet and leaves the room.

"He's so hot," one of the girls whispers.

I roll my eyes at them and continue copying the papers.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I managed to find his office, thanks to the map on the wall. My hand shakes as I knock on the door.

"Come in."

Taking a deep breath, I push the door open and walk in. My eyes fall to the floor as I walk to his desk.

"Here are the copies you requested, sir."

I set the stack of papers on his desk and take a step back. I wait a few seconds before bowing and turning around to leave.

His voice stops me. "Our downloads are down two percent. How should we increase it?"

"I can go get someone from the marketing team if you want-"

"That's not what I asked."

I exhale slowly, thinking back to the classes I took for my degree in marketing. It's true that our app's downloading rate is decreasing. We've already dropped down to rank nine on the Play Store's top ten social media apps list.

"We're available worldwide, but only advertise in Korea. We should start marketing to other countries. Use the world's love for K-Pop and Korean culture to our advantage. If we have a couple of K-Pop idols using our app, our downloading rate will go up."

I'm embarrassed by my own rant. My eyes slowly look up to see his reaction. I expect yelling and paper throwing. That's what Mr. Choi always did if I suggested anything. Instead, I'm greeted with an approving nod.

"Thank you, you're dismissed now."

I bow and quickly make my way out of the office. Once I'm outside, I let out a sigh.

Wi Hajoon is a strange man.

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