Billie is speechless.

"There will be consequences if you break any of the rules." Maggie says.

"Noooooo! You can't make me do this!" Billie melts down.

Finneas puts an arm on Billie's shoulder.

"Mind your business Finneas!" Billie yells.

Finneas nods and leaves the room.

"On the floor right now Billie." Maggie says sternly.

Billie pouts and lays down on the floor.

Maggie grabs a diaper and puts it on Billie.

"I hate it! Why do you have these anyway?" Billie whines.

"I had to be prepared for just in case this happened." Maggie says.

Billie gives Maggie a look and Maggie ignore it and grabs Billie's hand and walks her to bed.

Maggie tucks Billie in and lays next to her and goes to sleep.

Billie cries herself to sleep. Why did I have to be so stupid Billie thinks to herself.

Finneas wishes he could comfort Billie but she's pretty upset right now.


"Time to get up Billie. Mommy's gotta make breakfast." Maggie says while trying to wake Billie up.

Billie sighs and turns away from Maggie.

"Be a good girl or there's gonna be consequences." Maggie says sternly.

Billie sighs and goes to the table and is horrified when she sees a DIY adult high chair.

"I'm not sitting there." Billie says while pointing to the high chair.

"Oh yes you are." Maggie says while tightening her grip on Billie's arm and drags her to the DIY high chair and straps her in.

Billie sighs.

Maggie gives Billie paper and crayons.

"Why don't you color while Mommy cooks." Maggie says.

Billie gives Maggie a mean look.

Maggie ignores Billie and starts cooking.

Billie writes swear words on the paper with crayons.

Billie really has to pee but tries not to and holds it in.

Finneas joins the table and says nothing.

Breakfast more like lunch is ready.

Maggie made burritos for herself and Finneas.

"Thanks mom." Finneas says and starts digging in.

"You're welcome honey. I got apple sauce for you Billie." Maggie says while walking over with the bowl of apple sauce.

"No fair! You guys get burritos and I get this shit!" Billie yells.

"Don't say shit Billie. If you're good you'll get a burrito too." Maggie says.

Billie pouts.

Maggie sees the paper with swear words and scolds Billie.

"No writing bad words Billie!" Maggie says sternly.

"Sorry mom. I mean mommy. Please don't spank me." Billie says.

"Good girl." Maggie says and puts a bib around Billie's neck.

Billie fusses and tries taking the bib off.

"Billie stop it!" Maggie yells.

Billie whines and Maggie holds up a spoonful of apple sauce to Billie's mouth.

"I can do it myself!" Billie yells and turns her head away.

"Billie stop it!" Maggie yells.

Billie pushes Maggie's hand away.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." Maggie says sternly.

Billie grumbles and fusses some more.

"That's it. I was gonna try and not make this worse but I guess I have to. Now open up baby girl here comes the airplane." Maggie coos.

Billie's face turns red with embarrassment.

"Open up. I guess my baby can only eat if she's airplane fed." Maggie coos.

Billie gives up and Maggie spoon feeds her like a baby.

Finneas feels bad.

Billie feels humiliated.

All the apple sauce is gone now.

"Burrito now?" Billie asks.

"Yes since you were a good girl and ate all your food you get a bean burrito." Maggie coos while putting a couple burritos on Billie's tray.

Billie eats them up.

Once Billie is done Maggie wipes Billie's face clean.

Maggie comes back with a baby bottle and holds it up to Billie's lips.

"Noooo!" Billie whines.

"Drink it." Maggie says sternly.

Billie gives up and drinks the whole bottle.

"Good girl." Maggie praises Billie.

Billie rolls her eyes.

Maggie pats Billie's back until she burps.

Billie burps a few times. Being burped is so uncomfortable Billie thinks to herself.

Maggie takes Billie out of the high chair and brings her into the living room.

Billie really has to pee and shifts around.

"Are you ok baby? Do you want cuddles?" Maggie coos.

Billie nods her head no and can't take the torture anymore and pees herself. Because Billie held it for so long there was a lot of it.

Billie's eyes fill up with tears. This is so embarrassing.

"Aww what's wrong baby?" Maggie asks while hugging Billie.

Maggie can smell the pee and checks Billie's diaper.

"Aww baby is cranky because she needs a change." Maggie says.

Billie whimpers.

Maggie pats the floor and signals for Billie to lay down.

Billie lays down and Maggie changes Billie's diaper. Billie is mortified.

After the change Billie reluctantly thanks Maggie.

Maggie and Billie now watch some TV together.

Billie is bored.

"Mommy I'm bored." Billie says.

"You should have thought about that before making a bad decision." Maggie says.

"Mommy please please can my punishment just be over! I learned my lesson. Please!" Billie pleads.

"Hmm. Maybe if you're good." Maggie says.

Billie sighs and tries holding tears back.

"Ok bed time." Maggie says while holding her hand out for Billie to hold.

Maggie tucks Billie in and puts a pacifier in her mouth.

In fear of being bad and making the punishment last longer Billie just sucks the pacifier and stays quiet.

Maggie falls asleep and Billie stays up staring at the ceiling. Billie is frustrated.

Hopefully this shit ends fast.

Billie's Diaper Punishment (Billie Eilish Age Regression)Where stories live. Discover now