Prolog 〜 A Quest no-one asked for.

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[ A/N: At the start, and end of every chapter I will put a Authors note. Along with important details, or sneak peaks. ]
[ Greek is Ittalic ] - [ Italian is Underlined ] - [ Other important stuff is bolded ] - [ Thoughts are in 'Quotes' ]
[ CONTENT WARNING: Swearing. ]


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——————————POV: Nico Di Angelo——————————
I was laying on my bed, just staring at the ceiling with my Ipod on. Listening to a playlist my boyfriend Will made me weeks prior. I was waiting to fall asleep, into a ( hopefully ) dreamless sleep. The day was boring, and nothing really happened. Meaning, something big was bound to happen anytime soon. If nothing happens in a day, ESPECIALLY as a Demi-god, it means something big is going to happen at any second. So I was just mentally preparing myself. When suddenly, I was sucked into the Shadows. They pushed me out in the Underworld, right infront of my Father. "Really!?" I said, annoyance glazing my tone. But it quickly shifted when I noticed Hecate she was standing there, staring at me. "Why is she here?" I asked, keeping my tone respectful. I didn't want to anger a goddess, ok!? I'm not Percy! I won't go fighting a God, or Goddess just because I was annoyed! I sat down in a chair Father had someone bring in. And waited quietly for any answer, but I was begining to get impatient in the silence. It felt like I waited weeks for a response, even though I knew it was only a minute. Then Hecate stepped up. "You see, a lot of years ago... I made a little 'Magical world'. There are tons of people there who practice magic, using long stick like things called 'Wands' to channel their powers." Hecate started to explain, but before she could continue talking, I cut her off. "Ok? What does all this have to do with me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. "Well, I need you to go protect a Trio, specifically a mortal named Harry Potter." She explained, as I stood up. "No." I just said, it was only a few months after the war with Gaia, and I was FINALLY getting some peace and quiet. "You have no choice." Hades said, "You're going to a school called 'Hogwarts' and you will protect the trio." He said sternly, leaving no room for arguing.  "Why me though!? Why not Percy? He wont get exhausted using his powers, and he didn't Shadow Travel a statue across the world!" I yelled, throwing my previous statement of not wanting to anger a goddess out the window. Hades and Hecate looked at eachother, then Hades sighed. "I cannot tell you. You must learn it yourself." He says, being annoyingly vague. "Fine. When do I leave?" I asked, my tone still showing anger. "Next week, Monday." Hades explains, I nod, then Shadow Travel back to the Hades cabin. Once I step out of the shadows, I see Will. "What did I say about doing underworldly-stuff!?" He says, his tone partially joking. "I had no choice! Unless you wanted me to climb out of the Underworld?" I said, rolling my eyes as I sit down next to him on my bed. "What did your father want?" He asked, as I sighed. "Quest." I responded. "Where?" "England." He looked like he was about to burst into the Underworld and yell at Hades until he picked someone else for the quest. "How long?" He just asked. "Atleast a year? Probably longer though, these things never turn out as planned." I answered, before glancing back at him. He looked on the verge of locking me in the cabin, and turning all the lights on so bright I can't shadow travel. "I'm coming with you then." He said, but before I could protest he said, "Doctors orders." I stood up, and sighed. I grabbed a Drachma and used a rainbow making pyramid that Leo gave me. "O' Iris, Goddess of Rainbows, please show me Lady Hecate, wherever she might be." I said to the rainbow, as Hecate appeared in it. "Could I bring Will with me on the quest? I feel like he'll lock me up if I don't." I asked her, as Will nodded. Hecate hesitated before answering, "You can bring him, but he must follow the same rules I gave you." She said, and I nodded in response, then she cut the connection. I gazed back at Will, he had the biggest smile on his face. "Great! When are we leaving?" Will asked, "Next week, on Monday." I responded.

————— TIME SKIP: Sunday Night —————

I was pulled out of my bed, my vision was still slightly blurry as my eyes adjusted to the light. "Wake your ass up Death Breath!" A voice yelled at me, I looked up at the person, and rolled my eyes after realizing it was Will. I looked at the clock, "Solace! It's 2am! What the hell!?" I yelled, annoyance glazing my tone. "It's also Sunday! And we haven't packed!" He yelled back, as I scrambled off the floor in realization. "Shit!" I muttered, running over to my closet and pulling out two large suitcases from the back. "Yellow's yours, black is mine." I quickly say, grabbing some clothes and shoving it in my suitcase, I looked over at Will, he was doing the same thing, but with the clothes on his side of the closet. As we had moved into the same cabin a bit after we started dating. An hour later, we had gotten a bunch of stuff packed, and now I was running around the cabin like crazy, trying to find wherever the fuck I left my charger for the phone the Hepheatus Cabin made me. "WHERE THE FUCKING SHIT IS IT!?" I yelled, probably loud enough to have woken a couple campers up. "Death Breath! It's 3am, be a little quieter, will you!?" Will said, as he picked up his own charger and shoved it in his suitcase. "We leave in 4 hours! I need to find it before then, because I have other shit to pack still!!!" I yell back, slightly quieter though. I find my charger, it was plugged into an outlet behind my bed. I shoved it in my suitcase, and rushed over to my desk, then pulled out a flask. "Unicorn Draught?" Will asked, as I nodded and set it next to my suitcase. "Can you go grab a bag of ambrosia and nectar?" I ask, stuffing more stuff in my suitcase. "Yeah yeah." He said, walking out of the cabin to go grab a bag. I ran around my cabin, grabbing anything else I might need to bring. Will came back a few minutes later, carrying a bag of nectar and ambrosia. Another hour passed, most of the packing was done. We had way too much to pack, it was a year long quest after all. But still, we took too long. 3 hours of packing is quite some time, but that might be because everything we needed was scattered around the cabin. "Now we can shower and stuff, right?" I asked, as Will was quickly double checking both suitcases. "Yeah, pretty much everything is here." He said, nodding. I sighed, "Thank finally!" I said, walking to the bathroom to shower. I came out about half an hour later, and put on a pair of black clothes. "Your turn Glowstick!" I said, sitting on the bed as I waited for him to finish his shower, which I knew would be quicker then mine was. He only took 20 minutes, which meant we had 1 more hour. "Why did Hecate chose to come and get us at 6am again?" I asked, checking the time. "Timezones." Will responded, sighing as he sat on the bed, next to me. "Where's the school again?" Will asked, "Somewhere in Scottland I think?" I nodded, "Sounds about right." I layed down, timezones will be the death of me. I had spent a month trying to get a sleep schedule together, and it was about to be ruined again! Why do I even try at this point?

——————————POV END——————————


[ A/N: As the title states, this was just a prolog, they'll actually arrive at Hogwarts- or, well, meet people going to Hogwarts, in the next chapter... ]
[ WORD COUNT: 1380 ]

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