𝔼𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 🐰

175 4 11


Enjoy dis lil' story!

Spelling errors 🐰

Red shrieked at the top of her lungs at 7:30 in morning.
She ran into Blue's room and shook him awake (as if her shrieking hadn't already woke him up) and pushed him downstairs to make breakfast. Yellow grouchly walked downstairs and got a big cup of coffee. Red bounced around the kitchen excitedly. Green walked in, rubbing his eye of sleepiness.
"Why'd you have to scream Red?"
He grumbled, "TSC is going to shoot you."
Red laughed.
"Let him try! It's Easter, ain't nothing gonna make me sad today. Unless you call off the egg hunt and Misty doesn't have her bady kittens and TCO doesn't bring me all 14 of his cats... But that better not happen!"
Red threatened. Green rolled his eyes.
"Don't worry we're still having an egg hunt and all that."
Blue said, pulling homemade chocolate peanut butter eggs out of the fridge. Red bounced over to him.
"Gimme?? 🥺"
She begged. Blue pulled the plate away.
"Not yet."
He pushed Red away. Red grumbled.

TSC walked in the kitchen, still wrapped in his blanket and eyes closed.
He got a cup of coffee and sat down at table.
"Good morning Sec!"
Red said cheerful. Green rolled his eyes.
"Don't ruin her joy, Sec."
He warned sarcastically, "she'll really hurt you."
TSC scoffed.
"I'll really hurt you for waking me up so early."
"Get used to it. I'm going to check on Misty!"
Red twirled around and bounced out the door.
She skipped over to the nesting area she and Yellow had constructed for Misty and found the pretty grey cat curled in a ball sleeping. Red slowed down and quietly approached the cat, not wanting to wake her up.
"Oh so you'll let her sleep and not me?!"
TSC said from the porch. Red turned to him and shushed him. TSC walked over to her and Misty and looked at the cat, who now had waken up.
"She really going to have them today?"
He asked, petting the cats head.
Red tried to control her excitement.
"Ooo let's make a bet. How many kittens do you think she'll have? Winner gets to choose a piece of the others candy after the egg hunt."
Red said.
"Deal. I say... 4."
TSC put in his bet. Red nodded slowly.
"I say 3. Pretty common number for her litters."
Red pet the cat.
"We shall see."
TSC said, and then covered his mouth as he yawned.
"Whyyy'd you gotta wake me up so early???"
He asked.
Red shrugged.
"Sorry, not sorry."
She patted Misty one last time and then walked past TSC and skipped back inside.

Blue made them a delicious breakfast with eggs, bacon, waffles, and extra chocolate chip pancakes.

At around 9:30, Mango and Purple pulled up. Red was bouncy and excited when Purple brought in tons of chocolate and candies for the egg hunt.
She wrapped Purple in a hug and Purple laughed and patted her back.

At around 10, Chosen also drove in. Red ran out to his car immediately.
"Hi Red."
He greeted her.
Red bounced up and down, "were are they?!"
Chosen laughed and opened the trunk. Red squealed and grabbed two of the cat carriers and brought them back to all her other animals, Chosen followed her carrying two other carriers. They released the cats out with all Reds others.
"Thanks so much Chosen!"
Red smiled at him.
"PFT. Thank you. One too many cats flock to me all the time!"
He said.
"Maybe that's cause you are "the Chosen One"."
Red laughed. TCO rolled his eyes.
"So, were the others?"
He asked as they turned and walked back.
"Their inside."

When Chosen and Red got back. Blue and Mango were already setting up a fancy Easter lunch.
"Hi Red, Chosen."
Yellow greeted, now alive and awake. Red and Chosen waved at her.
"Did you bring the gatos?"
Yellow asked Chosen
"Sì amiga. Los ponemos con los otros gatos."
Chosen said in Spanish. Yellow laughed. Red looked at him confused.
"You speaking gibberish or something?"
She asked. Yellow shook her head, disappointed.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Maybe you should pay attention when we have class."
She jokingly scolded Red.
"Don't talk about schoollll!"
Red groaned.
"Lunch is ready!"
Blue called them over.
"It's still so early."
Yellow said as she walked over to the table.
"Some of us aren't eating yet. Chosen, me and you have something we need to do while they eat."
Mango said. Chosen nodded, keeping a straight face. They left the room while the others all sat down and ate.

"I wonder what there up to..."
Purple said. Red nodded.
"I can guess."
Green said.
TSC hit him.
Yellow scolded TSC. Green stuck his tongue out at Second.
"Y'all are so childish."
Blue laughed.

Mango and Chosen escaped out the back door holding bags of Easter eggs. Chosen went to the right side of the house and Mango to the left. Mango had made sure all the curtains and blinds were down so none of the others would peak.

When they finished hiding the eggs they quietly walked back inside and into the kitchen again. Everyone had finished eating and now were just playing around while they waited. Green looked over at them first.
"You're finally back!"
He said.
"What took so long?"
Red asked. Mango smiled.
"Ready for an egg hunt?"
He teased. Red eyes glittered in excitement.
She jumped up.
"Hold on..."
Mango stalled and fiddled with his phone for a little.
"Ok go!"
He said out of the blue. They all shot up and Chosen passed them all baskets and they ran outside. Red was a little over competitive for the candy and managed to get in a fight with Green, therefore she owed him a piece of her candy.
"Don't waste all your candy on fighting Green or you won't have anything to owe me when I win our bet!"
TSC had yelled to Red.

When they finished collecting the eggs, Mango did an extra candy drop in the yard and let them tackle to get some.
By the end they each had a lot of candy. Red had 176 pieces, TSC had 103, Yellow had 125, Green had 174, Blue had 138, and Purple had 164. In total they had collected 880 pieces of candy.

"Gosh Mango! Thank you so much!"
Blue said. Everyone else chimed in and thanked Mango, Red even hugged him.

Mango, Purple, and Chosen left later in the afternoon.
By evening almost everyone was worn out. Red and TSC crashed. Red has fallen asleep out with the new cats and TSC had crashed on the couch.
Twas a fun Easter.

Hi guys! Wishing you a blessed Easter! Any of y'all doing egg hunts??

We missed out on our egg hunt across the street cuz we were out doing chores. But we did go see our family and eat lunch with them and stuff. Not that I enjoyed it cuz one of the people said "age is just a number" and I wanted to run out of that house right then
But it was alright.

God bless!!!

▓▒░AVA/M ALAN BECKER ONESHOT 3░▒▓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon