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[Note: This is a SpyNut series shot with a different AU! Enjoy<3]




"Wanna go out today?"

"Mnn...not today, P'. My assignments are still left to be done."

"Ugh! Assignments and Assignments!" The speaker came forward, sitting beside the lanky boy and quickly wrapping his arms around him, resting his chin on his shoulder, his eyes fixated upon his love, "Those freaking assignments are stealing my boyfriend away. I'm jealous!"

A series of merry giggles were heard, as the laughing boy playfully slapped his complaining boyfriend on his arm, "Stop it! P'Sai. Can't wait till Monday, hm? Just a few days more...and then I'm all yours!"

"Monday!" The latter replied in a threatening voice, looking deep into the former's eyes, pointing at him with his index finger, "I swear Nut, if you're not free after that, I'll see you..."

"Aww my P'Sai's so impatient~"

"Impatient my ass!"

He quickly caught hold of the other and tackled him on the bed, tickling him along his sides, giggles of glee and merry laughters filling the entire room.

"Eyy P'Sai...s-stop..haha..m-move...y-you're t-tickling me...hahaha..."

"Nut? You 'kay? Earth to Nut?"

The sudden interjection of the voice piercing his train of thoughts made Nut quickly look up, rudely slapping him back to reality, as he saw his friend looking closely at his face, waving his hand in front if him.

"E-Ey m-move from my face," Nut replied, slapping his friend on his nose, "G-Go eat."

"I was eating, Nut, until I saw you zoning out. You okay?" his friend asked again, slumping back on his seat and crossing his arms across his chest, "You were so lost in thoughts. What's wrong?"

"Uh-Uh n-nothing," came the visibly hesitant reply, as Nut picked up the cup of water, emptying it in a single gulp, "I-I'm fine."

"Hahaha do I look blind to you?" his friend replied sarcastically, "I know there's something wrong and I also know you won't tell me about it but-"

"I promise I'm fine," Nut insisted, trying to look convincing. The other boy looked carefully at him and even though he could see right through Nut that he wasn't fine, he couldn't argue back. He didn't want to make his friend sad or angry.

"Mnn I hope so," he said monotonously, going to his food but not for long, "By the way," he started again, quickly changing the topic to divert Nut, "Do you think they look fine together?" The guy pointed to a table close to their's, Nut's gaze travelling to the pointed location.

The table had two occupants, both boys. They were sitting close to each other and having their meal, talking and giggling and occassionally feeding each other. Something about their closeness made Nut's chest squirm in pain, and he quickly looked away.

"Cute," he mumbled, pushing a little more food into his mouth, looking down.

"Mn, I know right!" replied his friend, "I'm telling you Nut, they're going to be the couple of the year. Mark my words. And is their any argument about that...they literally..."

His friend's words went deaf to his ears as Nut turned his head once again to look at the couple. He saw one of them pushing the hairs out of the other's forehead, tucking them behind his ears and smiling at him, quickly leaning down and whispering something in his ears which made the other visibly blush and hit his chest.

A sudden, sharp pang of an irresistible pain hit Nut once again, his eyes stinging with tears, as the view he confronted brought back so many memories he wanted to forget and so many feelings he wanted to let go off but he couldn't, most importantly, a sweet memory of a calm, soothing voice, a hand slowly tucking his hairs behind his ears, a sun kissed handsome face looking lovingly into his eyes and saying,

"You're looking so beautiful today, ter."

"Oy dreamboy, get up," his friend called, taking his plate and getting up from his seat, as Nut hastily rubbed his eyes to hide his tears, "I know it's daytime but still, it's not the time for daydreaming. Next class is within five minutes and mind you, it's our first time attending it. One minute late and the professor will yeet us out. So get your dreamy ass up...and come!"

With one last look at the couple, Nut reluctantly got up from his seat and walked away. Very soon, the canteen became empty as all the students walked away to their respective classes.

The room was already packed up with students, the loud gossips and eager talks clearly audible, reverberating within the large hall. Nut and his friend had somehow managed to cram themselves in two seats which, they were lucky enough to find. Soon, the professor arrived and so did silence. A few students were still arriving and the professor did scold them.

"Told ya, the professor scolds the one's who are not punctual enough!"

Nut didn't pay much attention to whatever was going on around him, he was busy pulling out his books from his bag, until-

"Dang it! He's so freaking handsome."

Nut raised his head and looked at his friend with a questioning expression, only to see the latter staring intently at someone in front of him with his mouth open in awe. Curiously, Nut looked at the direction as to see who it was.

He froze.



A SpyNut short series with a completely different AU!

Plot suggested by -> D


More parts rolling up soon! Stay tuned!

(˵ ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°˵)ノ⌒♡*:・。.