3 | 20 | I Forgot to Say How Good You Look

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"I care about my looks"

At breakfast one day, Lisa's grapefruit eating is cut short when Daphne forces her to come with her to send in an order to a pretty expensive dress shop

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At breakfast one day, Lisa's grapefruit eating is cut short when Daphne forces her to come with her to send in an order to a pretty expensive dress shop. Before the next Hogsmeade trip, Blaise and Draco decided to give the girls some money for new, pretty outfits.

They just wanted their Slytherin girls to stand out, especially after the Weasley brawl and some Gryffindors lying about what happened. They needed to remind everyone how powerful and unbothered they were.

Lisa and Daphne ran up the steps of the owlery, excited about their orders.

"I think those boots will look so good on you Lisa," Daphne commented. "You've always had such a darker style- I think it makes you look so elegant."

"You're one to talk about elegant," Lisa exclaimed, watching Daphne tie her order to her own owl's feet. Lisa's owl, Venus, flew up to them and cooed upon seeing its owner. She gave her a few head scratches.

"I'm really excited about that skirt you chose," Lisa said, excited for the upcoming trip. She knew with the reputation of this shop (reserved for only the most prestigious of wizards and witches), they would have their order in no time. In fact, it wouldn't be surprising if they received it the following morning.

They loved being able to rely on their best friends.

Classes were especially boring that day as everyone was studying for upcoming tests or just doing their homework. Something exciting only happened when Lisa's father got to teach two classes that day, Potions and DADA. She was excited to hear what he had to say.

Unfortunately, it was just boring stuff about werewolves.

After classes, he promised to show her how to mix a new potion. And to fit the theme of the class, he chose the wolfsbane potion to mix.

"This is a difficult process," Severus started. "Normally, I would allow you full control however..." he hesitated, "these ingredients are quite an expense and I would rather limit the chance of waste."

Lisa knew there was another reason behind it. Her father would normally prefer to trust the process and allow her to fully learn, no matter if she messed the potion up or not. It never really mattered how expensive the ingredients were- he always was able to get his hands on them. Furthermore, his supply at Hogwarts was funded by the school.

She figured he would have told the truth if he wanted to, but she was curious and decided to pay extra attention.

"First, all of the wolfsbane leaves."

She watched as he poured in two other ingredients. "It's important to regulate to the perfect temperature at this time," he explained. And he did.

Powdered moonstone. Stir thrice.

It did seem pretty difficult, but Lisa had made worse.

As he precisely put in the last few ingredients, the final steps were waving his wand, stirring six times counter-clockwise, and with another final wave of his wand, the concoction was completed.

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