Chapter 11

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Two weeks passed without issue. Although Duke Kallias's presence was unsettling to say the least, the duke appeared to avoid Ezran at every turn. Ezran saw little of Atlas either, which was mildly disappointing.

Ezran lay gossiping in her bedroom with Nicolette, who was rambling all about court whispers and rumors. Nicole's eager gossip, however, was stunted by a knock at Ezran's bedroom door.

Ezran groaned as she sat up, and Nicole giggled.

"Who is it?" Nicole smiled.

"Wait a minute." Ezran wrapped herself with a wooly blanket and opened the door. Kai's smirking face greeted her.

"Well don't you look lovely, Ezran," Kai cooed.

Truthfully, she looked rather slovenly for a supposed lady. Her hair was tangled, and her skin was rather dry.

"Do you have a reason for requiring my attention at..." Ezran turned around and glanced at the clock on her nightstand, "at ten o'clock at night?"

"It's rather late to inform you, however, the Queen and King are hosting a banquet tomorrow, and your presence is...requested."

"So I will be forced to attend." Ezran raised an eyebrow.

"If you desire to put it so bluntly, then yes, you'd be correct." Kai stated.

"Is this all you needed me for?"

"You want me to leave so soon? You wound my pride."

Ezran snorted with laughter.

"Goodnight Ezran."

Ezran stood up on her tippy toes and gave the Captain of the Guard a small kiss on the cheek, and pinched his pointy ears affectionately.

"Goodnight Kai."

Ezran shoved the male out of the doorway into the hall and closed the door.


The next morning was rather rushed and boring, having a seamstress take her measurements to throw together a new, elegant gown for her to wear.

Apparently, Ezran had to be dressed to the nines for formal dinner events too.

An hour later, a handmaiden and Nicole arrived with a dark purple, off the shoulder gown, made of satin. The hems were embroidered with gold thread, and layered with tulle.

Ezran smiled slightly at the sight. Over the past three-ish months, she'd become accustomed to wearing dresses, and had found great enjoyment when it came to wearing one.

Ezran slipped on the dress with a little help from Nicole, and left her hair down rather than elaborately twist and spiral her hair into a doo.

As Ezran stride over to the mirror on her bedroom wall, she could have sworn she heard aggressive, frantic muttering on to other side of the wall; Duke Kallias's room.

It was strange, and not in a language she understood, so Ezran sighed and brushed it off, returning to preening her appearance.

When finished fiddling with her appearance, Kai and a fellow guard escorted Ezran down the halls of the palace, Nicolette trailing not too far behind.

Living in the Fae palace certainly was wonderful, yet Ezran did not believe she'd ever tire of its beauty. The party traversed down a hallway with walls adorned with portraits of the royal family. Ezran hadn't been down this hallway yet.

EarthboundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora