"I believe I don't have much of a say in it anyway. I told you that Coriolanus tried to frame me for cheating, didn't I?" she asks.

"Yeah." Treech has to put in a conscious effort not to sneer at the mention of Lucy Gray's former mentor alone. "But there's no way he had any proof, right? I don't think they would've just let you go if he did."

She shakes her head. "That's just the thing; he didn't have any proof. But when I talked to the Dean, he made some hints. He said, while no one is suspicious right now, there's no guarantee for the future either." Her fingers tread through his hair, finding some comfort in how soft his curls feel in between her fingers.

"You think they'd come after you when it's been a while?" Treech asks, but then immediately catches himself.

He scoffs, "Who am I kidding? This is the Capitol; of course they would."

June lets out a small laugh, even though she knows this is by no means a laughing matter. "Yeah, exactly. They would," she says. "And I know exilement to the districts would be less of a punishment for me than it is for Coriolanus, but I wouldn't last a day as a Peacekeeper. And there would be no guarantee that I could choose where to go either."

She might know how to use a gun, but that doesn't mean she wants to. It's just not the kind of person she is.

She bites her lower lip. "Highbottom also said that Cas' internship at the War Department might raise suspicions in that scenario. He recommended I should erase any traces of my cheating, and while he didn't say it outright, he basically suggested leaving the Capitol."

"And you're okay with that?" Treech asks. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd love to have you with me in Seven, but... that's a big step."

"Like I said, I don't have much of a choice," June says. She feels a warmth in her chest, knowing he wouldn't mind her coming with him. "I understand your concerns, and the last thing I'd want is to impose, but I figured Seven would be my safest option. Because I'd actually have someone there that I know."

Treech watches the way she gazes at him almost shyly and has to bite his tongue. "You're not imposing or anything. They'll love you," he says. He almost says something else, but catches himself. "We've got enough space. Flint and Oakley don't live with us anymore, and Birdie is moving out soon. I think mom and Ivy would be happy to have another girl at home."

June nods, and although she knows she'll still feel incredibly awkward at first, the thought of having Treech by her side makes it more bearable. She tucks him closer against her, smiling when he buries his face in her shoulder.

"Okay," she eventually says. There's one last thing on her mind that she just can't shake off. "But if... your father has a problem with it, I'm sure I can find-"

"-You're staying with us; that's final," Treech says with a surprising firmness that makes June's heart skip a beat. "You saved my life. That has to be enough for him to get that you're a good person. After everything you did, offering you a place to stay is the least I can do."

A small sigh escapes her lips, and she nods. "If you say so," she replies. "But if anyone changes their mind, I'd still like to know."

He lets out a little laugh. "Nah, they'll love you," he says honestly. His eyes close when she begins rubbing at his scalp, slowly bringing him closer and closer to sleep. He feels so relaxed and at peace. He's exhausted from crying and everything that happened; he's almost ready to drift off immediately.


"What about Cas?" he then asks. "You think he's coming with you?"

Truthfully, June doesn't know. While she thinks it would be the best and safest option, she also doesn't know how to feel about leaving Max all on his own. He's just a little boy, and she doesn't think he'll understand the gravity of the situation.

❝𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐀❞ ━ TREECHWhere stories live. Discover now