𝟐 - 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐤𝐞𝐲

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helloooooo!!! ive been working hard on the story and im editing as well as writing new chapters ^^ i hope your doing well and enjoy this chapter, i swear more romance and cutesyness will be coming soon ive just gotta introduce the world and character a bit before getting too spicy!! love u and happy reading!!!!

i now introduce,


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𝔗he walk was quite boring and lengthy, and Ron couldn't shut up about this Quidditch player Viktor Krum. 

"Bloody hell, Ron, could you shut up? If you love Krum so much why don't you propose marriage? But for the love of Merlin shut up about it," I finally say. He rolled his eyes and the twins began to tease him about it. Harry and Hermione got a laugh out of it.

As we walked through the vast expanse of grassland, Harry's curiosity bubbled forth in a question. "Where are we actually going?"

Ron, having not a clue either, shrugged. "Don't know. Hey Dad! Where are we going?"

Mr. Weasley chuckled in response. "Haven't the foggiest, keep up!"

Someone up ahead came into view, and he'd wave at us. "Arthur! It's about time, son."

Arthur offered a sheepish apology before introducing the man to the group with warmth. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. He works with me at the ministry. And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"

Cedric, who'd come right out from a tree, polite and poised, nodded. "Yes, sir."

Amos, recognizing the famous faces amidst the group, extended his hand towards Harry with genuine admiration. "Merlin's beard, you must be Harry Potter."

Harry reciprocated the gesture, a grin playing on his face. "Yes, sir. Pleasure to meet you, sir."

I'd sigh. "And you must be Aurelia Potter." I smiled with a bit of sarcasm as I took his hand.

"Yes, that'd be me." I peeked over at Cedric, who seemed familiar

We began to ascend the hillside, Arthur guiding the group toward the destination, prompting Amos to suggest they quicken their pace to avoid tardiness.

Cedric was just behind me so I turned around and slowed down a bit to join his step. "Cedric, right?" He nodded. "Elia," I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I think we've met," he admitted.

"You remember," I laugh.

"How could I not? I'd limped around the rest of the trimester."

I laugh. "I'd told them not to let me on a bloody broom," I giggled. He laughed with me. At the destination, a peculiar sight greeted our eyes—a weathered boot positioned atop a hill.

Confusion painted my face. "Why the bloody hell are we surrounding an old boot?"

"I was about to ask the same thing," Harry said looking at Fred and George.

"That isn't just any old manky boot, mate," Fred remarked with a grin, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"It's a portkey," George continued his thought.

Harry and I looked at each other eyes furrowed. One thing we both could relate to is we usually hadn't the slightest clue what anyone was talking about when it came to magic and the sort. "What's a portkey?" both Harry and I questioned.

Everyone had their hands on the boot.

"After three. One...two..." Amos began counting.

"Elia, Harry!" Mr. Weasly shouted. We both hurried to the boot, placing our hands on it.

"Three!" Amos shouted.

The portkey activated, enveloping us in a blinding flash of white light as we hurtled through the air with exhilarating speed. My stomach churned, I was going to be sick. Shouts erupted around me as we practically fell through the sky.

Arthur's jovial voice cut through the excitement, and he'd said something about letting go of the portkey, though I couldn't hear him too clearly. I'd let go, squeezing my eyes shut. With a collective thud, we collapsed to the ground, disoriented.

"Bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?" Mr. Weasly laughed.

Cedric extended a hand to help me up from the ground. "Thanks," I said, dusting myself off and fixing my hair.

Cedric and Amos parted from us as we got further. "Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Mr. Weasly chuckled.

The inside of the tent was beyond what it looked like on the outside. "I love magic," Harry sighed. I'd seen this already when Pansy invited me to go camping with her earlier in the summer, however, I was still a little surprised.

Mr. Weasley's voice broke through the enchantment, guiding us to our respective tasks.

"Girls, choose a bed and unpack. Ron, get out of the kitchen, we're all hungry."

"Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron," the twins echoed.

"One of the girls will have to share a bed or one of the twins."

"Not it," both Hermione and Ginny called out.

Harry and I locked eyes, then with Fred and George. "Not it!" the four of us said. "Rock, paper, scissor, shoot?" George grinned.

"That's rubbish! You're both cheating bastards. I already shared a bed with Harry last night," I complained. "And I'm a girl, I deserve more privacy!" I protested.

"Fine. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot between us and Harry and Ron," Fred said.

"What? Why am I dragged into this," Ron groaned.

I smiled appreciatively, picking out my bed that was secluded from the others. I'd unpack a few things, finding Draco's letter. I'd wonder if I'd even see him since there were so many people.

"Feet off the table," Mr. Weasley directed at the twins.

"Yeah, feet off the table!" the twins repeated taking their feet off the table, then putting them back up directly after Mr. Weasly passed.

Veiled Alliances - A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now