*☆Chapter 12☆*

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Many people have already figured out who the other Sterecra is! 

Okay, on to the actual story!!☆

Alejandro's POV

She said she hated me.

She said she hated me...


Hates me.

I wasn't a man who cried often, but I felt like doing so right now.

I couldn't even look in the stormy grey eyes I once loved so much.

''Well? You have anything to say? You said that you would stop your marriage for me. YOU PROMISED ME. Then you go off and prance about with another girl, the same dance WE did together. You look so much happier with her, your face was practically glowing.'' she spat salty tears forming in the corners of her eyes.


''Don't you dare. Call me by my actual name now, not something I know you don't actually mean, Al.''

..she knew not to call me that.

People were staring at us, and I saw a familiar guy with chocolate brown hair slowly approaching, occasionally stopping and leaning on a nearby wall to watch me and Mi Amo..Heather.

After standing in silence for a moment, I had enough.

I had to tell her, even if she wouldn't believe me.

''Heather, before you leave I need to tell you the truth.''

She looked faintly curious so she decided to listen.

Before I could spill everything, a voice stopped me.

''Well, never thought I'd be seeing YOU two again..''

Me and Heather swiftly turned our heads to discover the owner of the smug voice.

There he was. I'd thought I'd never see him again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Heather, looking as equally as surprised as me.

She spoke first however.

''Noah. You own a coffee shop now? I knew the surname Sterecra sounded familiar''

''Sort-of. My wife-''

''Wait, you have a wife!?'' I yelled in shock.

''Yes, I do, Al. Thought you were the heartstopper but here you are getting screamed at by the only person who could stand you. Guess we all have changed a little since that dreadful show.''

Heather chuckled and motioned for him to go on about what he was talking about before

''So, my wife, Emma as you probably have already met, usually works as a lawyer. However, if she can, she will usually help me out here. I own this building, none of my many siblings wanted to own it after my grandparents passed so it was given to me, because I'm the youngest without any choice.''

''Alright. See you later then Noah! Tell Emma she makes amazing tea, even it isn't expensive!''

''Will do.!!

As soon as she faced me, the cheerful smile she had given Noah was wiped clean off. With a grimace she looked at me.

''Hurry up then, what did you want to tell me''

A/N: Sorry for short chapter! I love leaving chapters on cliff-hangers lol

See ya next chapter then !

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