*☆Chapter 5☆*

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Heather's POV

We looked into each-others eyes, mouth agape.

''Alfonso? When did you get here?'' interrupted Lindsay, ruining the moment.

''It's ALEJANDRO Lindsiot!'' I snapped angrily at her.

''Mi amor..'' Alejandro smiled..gently. It was unusual. Unlike the womanizer smirk he gave everyone in world tour, it was a heartwarming smile that made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

I hadn't even noticed I was staring.

''Like the view?'' 

Ah. There he was again. I rolled my eyes, pretending to be unbothered. ''As if!'' I said.

''You suree?'' He smirked - tugging on his turtle neck, which weirdly suited him.

''Whatever! What are you doing here anyway, it's strange of you to be walking around in a shop like this!'' 

His smile was wiped of so fast, it was unbelievable. The way he covered it up with a obviously fake grin was equally as speedy. 

''W-well what are you doing here? The glitter glue store is over there, remember?'' Alejandro stuttered

''I, actually have a good reason. Lindsay here,(who was blankly staring at us both) wanted to buy a new plushie for her collection.'' pointing at Munchkin ''We were actually just going to pick out some clothes for her, weren't we Lindsay?''

''Huh?! O-Oh, Yeah! We were!'' spoke Lindsay, obviously startled.

''What about you, Alfonso?'' I mocked Lindsay

Sighing, Alejandro said '' I was buying a present.''

''For who..?'' I said, fearing the answer.

''..My soon to be wife.''

I could fell my heart shattering into a million pieces. No, even more. He was going to get married. Alejandro, a man who chose me out of the people who he could have, was going to have a wedding, with another woman. Not me. Worst of all, I wouldn't have known if we accidentally didn't meet again. I could feel salty tears brimming in my eyes. 

No. I refuse to cry. In front of him.

Alejandro's POV

I could see the tears in her eyes. It was horrible. I loved Heather, and I always will, but not even I can do anything about it. If I tried, Jose would definitely rat me out, and I would not like that to happen. 

''I know. I don't want it to happen either, mi amo-'' 

''Don't you ever call me that again. You've already broken my heart, mending it isn't going to do anything if you're going to destroy it over and over.'' She spat

My eyes grew wide ''Listen to me Heather. I don't want to, and never will love that woman. I've met her before and my whole family despises her. Including me. I will try my absolute best to stop this wedding. I promise you.''

''Don't try to. Make sure you do, ok?'' She uttered her voice much more calmer.

''Are we done yet!'' cried Lindsay, eating popcorn, ''I want to pay! Munchkin is hungry now!''

''Lindsay!'' we both yelled at the same time, then looking at each other and bursting out laughing.

''What?'' replied the dumb blonde clueless of the situation standing before her.


I opened the door, and as always was greeted by my lovely mama.

''Welcome back!'' she spoke in a sickly sweet voice which she always used when something is wrong.

In a low voice I whispered ''What's going on''

''You know who is back.''

It didn't take long to figure out who she was talking about. My oh so gorgeous and pretty and HIDEOUS wife. Her name was Victoria. A nice name for a not so nice girl. I gulped, remembering the promise I made with mi amor. 

''Mama, I really really re-''



This was going to be a long long day.

First of all, we went to play football, which she obviously sucked at. It was only when Carlos joined her team, she won. Her exact words were

''Hahaha!! I told you I was AMAZING at football. See, look at this shiny thingy!'' pointing at a neon,yellow and plastic medal.

Secondly, we watched TV.

A fashion show related to my business was going on, so naturally I wanted to watch it...it wasn't like Heather was one of the models there..but since fashions shows are ''GiRlY'' and ''BoRiNg'' we couldn't. Instead we watched a animated show about a stalker who has ladybug powers who has a crush on a guy who's dad doesn't love him and also has powers which makes him a cat furry. The episodes reminded me of the purple haired crazy girl and Cody, except everyone loves the stalker since she's the main character.

Finally, we decided to do some exercise. Well, I shouldn't say ''we''. In reality, the only thing I wanted to do was relax. She wanted to do it since she needed to prove ''she was strong for a girl''.

About 10 minutes in, she fell over.

Into my arms. 


Just EW.

''Aw! Alejandro, I knew you loved me you tsundere! Ugh! Your so cute sugarplum, I know your looking for our marriage!~''

''Haha...yeah, can't wait..''

It took everything inside me to not drop her. Luckily, her driver came soon to go and pick her up.  Good Riddance! 

''Bye bye! See you soon Alejandro! Mwah!~'' 

Ok. I want to vomit. The way my brothers looked at me was also embarrassing as hell. But, it doesn't matter now. 

It's time to tell my parents.

A/N here! I love ending chapters on cliffhangers! Sorry for taking ages to post this chapter btw, it took ages to think about. Anyway! If your reading this, pls comment! Reading your comments make me happy, and usually gives me motivation to make a new chapter. Anyways, bye! ☆☆

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