*☆Chapter 9☆*

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Hello! I apologize so much for the long wait! I had literally no motivation and I thought people forgot about this book! 

However, thanks to one comment, my motivation is back <3!

On a bad note however, this chapter would be more of a filler chapter as, being honest, I actually have no idea what the heck I'm writing.

This chapter (hopefully) will have 300+ words instead of the usual 600+ though, and if you have ideas for me to use in the next chapter (aiming to be over 1000 words) comment them down! 

If you hope to see more chapters coming up, please  comment on the story, as only one comment helped me to make a chapter.

And with that, let's go!

Courtney's POV

Me and Cody have planned what we are going to do, and today is the day where we a going to do it. 

Cody will distract her, while I ''steal'' her phone. It isn't stealing, we are giving it back anyway so..

Off topic. Excuse me. Like I said, that exactly will happen. Some people may say it is a ''InVaSiOn oF PrIvAcY!1!!!1!'' however, unless we locate the source of her stress and anxiety, we won't be any step closer in helping her with unknown problem.



''The one and only''

I sighed loudly before whispering, ''It's nearly time. Let's get moving.''

Alejandro's POV (A/N: AFTER 573467643284429583 YEARS.)

Something felt off. Uncomfortably off. 

Being a organized and tidy man, I don't like it when things feel off. Especially when it's making me shiver, when its boiling outside.

...check Vicky Lass' social..check Vicky Lass' social..check Vicky Las-

''WHAT.'' I bellowed, addressing the voices pounding inside my head, startling a couple of birds, who,terrified, flew away.

Regaining my composure, I quietly muttered to myself.

''Out of all people, why HER social?''

However, I believed that maybe it was the cause for my strange shivering. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, and rapidly scrolled to where, to my great displeasure, my oh so darling wife's artificial smile was beaming unnaturally in my face. I cringed, but I clicked on her latest video

''HEY BOYZZ!!  .. and girls..uh soo we are going to do-''


''WASSUP HOMIES!! And, the females..makeup drama queens..our sponso-''


''Hey! People in my comments were asking if I'm single or no, and the truth is I've actually got a hubby wubby! 

I cringed hard. It seemed useful though, so I kept on watching.

Vicky's high pitched voiced appeared again; ''Okay, my husband is camera shy, but I have some videos of him and I dancing together! Which I will share with you in this video, of course..but after our sponsor!

I was appalled. I performed on TOTAL DRAMA. Why on earth would, ME, ALEJANDRO BURROMUERTO, camera shy?! 

But something confused me other than that stupid lie. I never, ever would dance with her. Only person I danced with is my family ( - Jose) and Heather..so how on earth did she..?

''So yeah! Buy *****!'' I groaned, if I was going to find out I'd have to carry on watching. ''So like you guys was waiting for, here is the videosss!!''

I stared in shock. There was  video of me, looking ecstatic, dancing with HER.  But I never did. I looked closely and died inside. It was the video of me and Heather dancing together, I could tell from the background. But instead my salty princess, it was Vicky. 

Photoshop at its finest. Nearly good as the stunt I played in that disastrous show, season three.

I looked at myself. I loved Heather, but I never looked like that around her, happy - yes, but this Alejandro looked like he was about to explode with the sheer amount of happiness inside him. 

A horrible thought crossed my mind. What if Heather saw this. Our relationship would be in ruins. She'd never trust me again. I would lose her, forever.

Soon enough I could feel little droplets of tears slowly sliding down my cheeks. The views were over a million. Heather could very well be part of that million

Oh god.

What am I going to do.

''HEYY HUBBY!! SUPRISE VISIT XOXOOOO!! screamed a familiar voice.

You have to be joking.

A/N: Woo! Cliffhanger again! This chapter was actually way over my intended word goal, which I'm happy to say! I think we all agree we hate Vicky lol.

Start a Vicky hate chain in the comments! <3

See ya next chapter !! 


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