Part III: The Red Sun

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As you may or may not of realised, Red remained at the Shrine. The walls around him seemed to shudder around like shy children, they didn't want to come any closer. Red has two sides, the sweet, dainty cat that ponders on every thought that tails through his mind. Then you've got the brisk, stark build of a man that belongs on Everest, peering down at all that's small. He had somewhat of a deep purpose that resonated with every single bone of his being. It only took a sly glance at the scroll Zeeh unveiled before that twisted his mind into focus. Like a shadow, nobody noticed he was even there anymore. Everyone had left, but Red didn't mind. His veins griped on ropes through his fists as he stood to attention, the walls seemed to tilt slightly backwards as if to hide their faces from him. Soil kicked up the Prayer Statue as he began pacing around the circular platform where the affixes floated like lost souls. He wasn't pondering, that word is too light to describe what Red was doing, he was in deep thought, like a sensei mediating he was processing a sustainable plan for his love, Toad. His emotions were thrilling, yet not in a positive way, frustration and rage that appeared to amplify his power tenfold. The trees surrounding used their branches to cover the walls as he spoke, in a manner that you wouldn't usually hear,
               "Alan is going to regret ever stepping his toes on my Toad." He stated with commitment. As he paced, the dust particles across the soil danced in rings, promoting the purpose that Red has to save his love. His armour appeared to be alive, static breathed across it as if powering up for some magnificent attack. His eyebrows slouched and straightened as if targeting. His smirk spoke one word and one word only, hero.
               "I'm Coming, My Love."
His right leg outstretched, his hair stuck up on pricks engaged for combat. Then, his right arm revealed the chosen weapon, a cute little white wand with a pink star on top.
               "Bippity Bop, Dippity Dee, Send me to Toad's Dormito-reeee."


The castle was bustling with business like a city office in rush hour. Servants and workers crowded each room with letters and phone calls spreading the news of dangers that could be over the hill for the mushroom world. Faces were straight, communication was the only thought on their minds. Peach and Zeeh occupied the castle palace, a room for upmost important decisions and people, both ladies fit that criteria. Zeeh was overlooking the castle gardens through the grand windows within the room. The gardens were kept well, a maze like presentation mixed with exotic flower beds that resembled every colour of the rainbow. Usually it would be crowded with gardeners, but they were co-operating with the workers inside. Peach was sat at an old, mahogany desk that seemed to of been crafted a long time ago, vines peered below it. She was writing what appeared to be an announcement for Toad's family seeming as he was currently unavailable to connect with his people. The announcement currently read,


Peach continued writing worried about those who have gone out to save Toad at his Dormitory. Zeeh spoke coming away from the window,
               "According to my announcements, everybody at Chaos has been informed of the current affairs."
               "That's excellent, I am almost finished here and will post the Shrooms announcement in due course." Peach answered with pride, "How is your husband, is he aware of everything?" Zeeh answered in return, no panic in her voice,
               "I assume he will be amongst the riff raff, he always has his way with smelling danger, that's my H."

Peach completed the announcement and rang a bell on her desk. A couple of seconds later, a young worker in the palace appeared with a device. It was a flat screen with cameras in all four corners.
               "I absolutely adore this handy device, The Reflector X9. Bowser bought it from the Marketplace in Funginton, it sends whatever I've written to every single person connected to the Family coms" Peach explained, slightly showing off the advances she'd been making recently with technology. Zeeh nodded in compliance,
               "Very Handy, though I do prefer a good old postie." She spoke. The device began blaring as it replicated the announcement that Peach had written and sent it to the Family members of Shrooms. The young worker then took both scroll and device out of the palace room and continued with preparing what seemed to be a capable army provided by the Castle just in case things got too much for the others. Zeeh followed through with the worker and looked over the army just outside the palace room, she trailed into the past a little has she titled her head upwards to catch the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. She began speaking through to Peach,
               "Do you remember when we organised that secret army for the Great War a few years ago Peach?"
               "I do. Quite a splendid bunch of warriors, I hate to think it but, last time someone cut your husband out of line, we ended up with The Great War in the first place."
               "My husband is a much capable emperor, I'm sure there's been a slight mistake. Hybrid won't stand a chance."
               "Perhaps it would be smart to rally a secret army like that again Zeeh. I agree, your husband and the others are very much capable, but Hybrid can be dangerous."
               "Tish. I wouldn't worry love, we've all gotten stronger since we've needed an army like that. Our fellow heroes will be making haste."

Peach glided out of the Palace room and stood beside Zeeh nodding in confidence. They both began to think in silence as the Castle filled with the crowd's noise beckoning, preparing for whatever may come next. They were thinking about this secret army, an organisation formed by an exceptional hero. It was titled 'The Red Sun', a driving force of six chosen heroes that polished the enemies that came crashing across the Mushroom World. They all were equipped with abilities granted to them by the elements, like a classic avatar air bender style gig. They were bowed down too, nobody would step foot in their path, not even those of royalty.
       Zeeh and Peach shivered slightly as they simultaneously crept out of thought. A loud bang exploded through the castle walls, it was a door knock. Peach struck to a grand posture and marched toward the doors prepared for anything. Zeeh following close behind gripping her artifact. As they both approached the doors, the army that had slowly been constructed within the castle formed a horseshoe shape behind them, gripping their weapons also. As Peach slowly pulled the doors open, the knobs slipped from her fingers as they were slammed open by the figure before them. A red rose implanted on his head, scowling eyes and a smirk shook a fright across the army. He spoke,
               "Did somebody say, Red Sun?"
The twinkling of his pink and white wand echoed through the castle corridors.


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