Shane nodded to the both of us, "We need to deal with it, Rick."

It started to go quiet between all of us after he said that.

Rick nods, "I'll tell her how it is." He walks over to where the blonde was, "Andrea-" He was cut off by her pulling her gun out and pointing it up at him.

My eyes widened a bit, as I sat up a bit.

"I know how the safety works." The blonde mumbles, a cold look on her face as she glared at him. Rick nodded, "Alright..okay..I'm sorry.." He slowly started to take a couple steps back, heading back to where we were.

Daryl, T-Dog, and Glenn noticed what Andrea had just done. The three of them walked over to where we were.

"Y'all can't be serious." Daryl mumbles, scoffing quietly, "You're letting that girl hamstring us? That dead girl's a ticking time bomb."

My gaze shifted over to him, "What do you suggest we do?" I asked, throwing my hands out a bit. His eyes shifted over to me, "You take the shot."

I scoffed quietly, as I rolled my eyes a bit.

"Hit it clean right in the brain." He snapped, he then scoffs, "Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance."

"No." Lori bluntly said, our eyes shifted over to her, "For sake, let her be."

Daryl looked at us, before scoffing. He rolled his eyes, turned, and walked off.

Shane then rubs his forehead, "How could something like this happen? We were just outside the city, and not too far from the abandoned checkpoint." His brows raised, "We haven't been here but for three months. We should've known that the dead could travel up this far."

We all stared at him for a couple of seconds, before giving him a light nod.

"Hey Grace," Jacqui says, my green eyes shifted over to her, "Can you help me with this?" I nodded, "Yeah, I can." I stood up from my seat and started to walk over towards her.

As soon as I got to her, we crouched down by the body and was about to move it when Jim came walking over towards us. Jacqui's brows were furrowed as she looked up at him, "Are you bleeding?"

My eyes looked over to him. I saw that his shirt had blood on it, and tiny holes were on it. He hesitantly shakes his head, "I just got some blood on me from one of the bodies." He mumbles to us.

She shakes her head, "No, that blood is fresh."

I nodded to what she said, "Yeah, it kind of looks like a bite mark, Jim." I mumble to him, furrowing my brows a bit. His eyes shifted to me, "It's not, Grace."

"Then what is it?" I scoffed, throwing my hands out.

His eyes glanced between Jacqui and me. His eyes shifted down to the ground, "I got scratched during that attack."

A bit of a shocked look came onto mine and Jacqui's face, "You got bit." She says, as her and I stood up to her feet.

He shakes his head, "I'm fine-"

"Then show us!" She shouts, a stern look on her face, "Show Grace and me.

Jim's eyes glanced between us, before he took a step closer to us, "Don't tell-" He whispers to us.

My eyes widened, as Jacqui grabbed me by my shirt and pulled her and I away from him, "A Walker got him!!" She shouts, as we take steps away from him, "A Walker bit Jim."

An alarmed look came onto all of our faces, as our gaze turned to him. He had a worried look on his face, as all of the men in the group started to walk over towards him.

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