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TW: guns and abuse. Skip this chapter if you don't feel comfortable with it
Me and Jack decided to drive around the neighborhood in my new Porsche. I decided to go live on Instagram on our short drive. I opened the app and clicked the live button. "Heyyy y'all!" I exclaimed as I held up my phone, giving everyone watching a glimpse of the sleek interior of my new Porsche. "Jack and I are taking a little drive around the neighborhood in this beauty. Say hi, Jack!"

Sitting in the passenger seat, Jack waved to the camera with a grin. "What's good, y'all?" he said, flashing a peace sign.

"This car is just amazing" I gushed to the viewers. "I've been dreaming about owning a Porsche for years, and now it's finally a reality. Thank you so much, babe."

Jack nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, No problem, Der. Eyes on the road, baby, let's not forget who's behind the wheel." he teased, giving me a playful nudge.

I laughed, playfully swatting at him. "Hey, I'm a responsible driver, okay?" Jack nodded sarcastically.

As we continued our drive, I took a moment to interact with the viewers, reading out some of their comments and responding to their questions. It felt great to finally talk to my followers after a while. I parked the car and brought up my meet and greet to my viewers, "So I was thinking I could have a meet and greet at my penthouse." I saw a comment asking if everyone is invited, "Yes, everyone is invited, but make sure that you're  21 or older because there's gonna be alcohol and shit like that and I'm not tryna go to jail. IDs will be asked for." I saw Tatiana's comment asking to get on live, and I quickly added her.

"Heyy bitch."
"Hey, Tati." I waved at her and continued to speak, "Jack, I can drive home, I'll call you later."

Jack raised his brow, "What about my clothes, you gon give them back."

I giggled, "Yeah, don't worry, you can stop by tomorrow. Bye, baby." I kissed him on the cheek and he got up out of the car.
"Bye." He closed my car door and I continued the live.
"Der, how's the new car?"
"It's amazing! I love the audio quality."

"Anyway, about the party. I'm underage and can't drink but can I still go?" I saw a lot of comments saying that they were also underage but still wanted to go to the meet and greet.
"First of all, it's a meet and greet, and yes you're going, you my girl."
"Thank you, boo." She scrunched her nose"Why the opps joining?" I saw that Chanel and Oakley joined the live, Chanel and Central asked to join.
"Nahhh, I'm not tryna get banned," Central asked why they couldn't join, and Tati answered for me.
"Because I finna cuss y'all out."
"Period bitch!" I snapped my fingers after that Chanel left the live, but Oakley was still stalking. Minute after minute, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours.
"Central we know you still here, quit stalking, with yo creepy ass." Tatiana said, side-eyeing him through the screen, "Add this nigga. I needa tell him sum."
"Alright," I sighed and added Central to the live pulled out of Jack's driveway, and started driving to my apartment.
"Damn, Tatiana you needa chill. I was just watching the live like everyone here, and I've forgiven Rae."
Tatiana laughed and clapped her hands, "Rae!? This man be cracking me up!" She got serious again, "It's Dearra to you."
Central raised his hands up and nodded, "Alright, I got you."
I chimed in before Tatiana could say anything more, Oakley Caesar-Su. I never did shit to you. You were the one making advances on me. Am I wrong?" I asked.

"I mean you embarrassed me, my mandem saw the post and said I get no bitches."

I scoffed, "First of all, it's not bitches, it's women. Second of all, I almost lost my contract because of your tomfoolery- hold on-," I saw that Jack had requested to join the live so I quickly added him." like I was saying, you were making moves on me and you made me look stupid all over the internet, I could have been jobless because of you." I clapped my hands for emphasis, "Fucking Jobless!"
Jack nodded and smiled, "That's my girl."

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