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Jack showed up at my apartment with a  Louis Vuitton bag, chocolate, and flowers. "Jack! Come in".

He smiled and stepped in, "Where can I put these?"

"Oh. On the counter", I literally could not stop smiling.

"Soo, Jack, whose presents are these?", I asked.

"Yours, of course, Who else". He passed me the presents and I opened the Louis Vuitton bag and saw a wallet that I'd been wanting for the longest time ever.

"Jack! Oh my God! I've been wanting this for the longest time ever, you read my fucking mind".

He nodded his head his head, "Yeah, I mean Chanel told me but that's the same thing either way".

I stopped fawning over my present and looked at him, curious,"Y'all smoothed things over?"

"Yeah, she texted me after the whole Shade Room post, she said she felt bad and I wanted to give you a present-".

I interrupted him, "A present for what?".

"Your new modeling career".He showed me an email on his phone from M&H agencies.

—Dear Mr. Harlow,

We are delighted to inform you that Ms. Dearra Lorenzo has been accepted for representation by M&H Modeling Agencies, based on your referral. Ms. Lorenzo's first shoot is scheduled for March 30. Details will be provided to her shortly. Enclosed are the necessary documents for Ms. Lorenzo's representation. We appreciate your referral and look forward to a successful partnership.

Warm regards,

Clea Atkinson and M&H Modeling Agencies


"Jack!", I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around my waist and listed me. I started to cry because I had been doing everything on my own for the longest time ever after my mom had died. "What's wrong Dearra?", "Thank you, Jack, thank you, you're helping me so much", he put me down and put his hands on my shoulders and wiped my tears with his thumb, "You're welcome, Der", "I also wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out with me, maybe on a picnic".

"Yes, of course, Jack!". Jack picked me up and spun me around.

I heard my front door shut and I saw Chanel walk into the kitchen," Hey Der, have you seen my sweater-". Jack turned his head and put me down then sat at the bar table, using his phone.

"Hey Chan" I was still smiling.

"Hey Der, can we talk upstairs?" She asked crossing her arms.



We go to the second story of my apartment. We sat down in my office. It was small and decorated as much as I could.

"What did you want to talk about Chanel?" I closed the door behind us.

"I'm not over Jack, I lied," she sighed deeply, "I texted him to say sorry about what happened and he asked about giving you a present, he didn't say for what. I'm guessing it was to ask you to be his girlfriend". Be fucking for real, he just met me-, she continued to speak, "I asked him if he wanted to try dating again and he said no. He was really blunt about it and blocked me after", her voice began to shake and she started crying, "I don't like you guys together. Please. Don't go out with him, for me?"

I laughed for a second."Stop with those crocodile tears.", "And if he does ask me out, I will be accepting. Whether you like it or not. Also I literally just met him yesterday, Yesterday! So no, he wouldn't ask me to be his girlfriend in such a short time-", she slapped me across my face. "Bitch..what the fuck!", I went around my desk and slapped her back. She touched her face and opened her mouth slightly. She knocked me in the head with a heavy metal desk figure,I staggered for a few seconds, trying to hold myself up with the armchair as I fell to the ground.

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