Octavian Country Day School Monday, September 19th 7:30 AM

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Massie yawned and trailed behind the rest of the Pretty Committee as they headed toward the drama department. Dylan had made them all get to school early so she could see the cast list right as it was posted, but this meant skipping their usual coffee stop. Massie made a mental note to grab a cup from the school’s shop, Caffeine Couture, before first period.
“Ah! It’s there!” Dylan screeched and sprinted the last few steps to the bulletin board. Massie watched as she practically shoved the director out of the way in order to be the first to see. More and more students filled in around Dylan, blocking the rest of the clique from getting closer and checking what part she got. After a minute of this, Massie was annoyed.
“EX-CUH-USE ME!” Her shout echoed, and the crowd went silent. “I’d like to see the cast list.” She said with a sweet smile. The clump of people in her way parted quickly and she led Alicia and Kristen through them towards Dylan, who was smiling at her from ear to ear.
“I got it!” She blurted out. “I’m Juliet!”
The four of them squeezed together for yet another group hug and jumped up and down in celebration.
“I told you so!” Kristen laughed.
They continued to squeal their congratulations to Dylan and let themselves be pushed away from the bulletin so the other students could check. More than once their celebration was interrupted by a gasp and then a sob as the other girls realized they didn’t get the part.
“It’s a great day to be in the Pretty Committee,” Massie smirked. “Dylan’s a starlet, I’m a presidential finalist, and in a few minutes, Kuh-laire will be letting the whole school know the truth via the morning announcements.”
“How’d you get her to agree with that?” Kristen asked.
Massie casually picked at an imaginary piece of lint on her cashmere sweater. “Oh, it’s simple really. You’ll just have to tune in to find out.”
Alicia smirked knowingly and then raised her eyebrows suddenly. “Oh! That’s not all for good news!”
Massie shot her a puzzled look. “Go on?” She prodded.
Alicia looked around at the drama students that still filled the hallway and grabbed Massie’s hand, pulling her into the nearest supply closet. Dylan and Kristen clambered in after them and closed the door. Beneath the single dim light of the closet, they huddled together.
“Okay, I’m getting infinite gossip points for this one.” Alicia started. “Massie, you said you wanted something on Lizzie to ruin her life, not just her campaign. So, I’ve been digging. Hard. First, I messaged all of her British followers and talked to her old friends from across the pond- which sucked by the way since they’re like six hours ahead!”
Massie rolled her eyes, “You can catch up on your beauty rest another time! What did they say?”
Alicia took a breath and continued, “Well, they totally agreed that she plans on being an evil queen ruler and doing whatever she wants. But more importantly, one girl mentioned that Lizzie’s mom is still on the PTO at her school.”
“Wait,” Kristen interrupted. “Her mom? I thought her mom was here in New York?”
“Nope.” Alicia said, and then after a pause for suspense, “That’s her STEP mother. Her unofficial step mother, I might add, because her dad is still legally married to the mom in London!”
“I don’t get it,” Dylan said, exasperated, “How are her parents marital issues going to ruin her life?”
“Because!” Alicia shouted. The girls froze as some footsteps stopped right outside of the closet door for a moment, and then continued on. Alicia switched to a whisper, “Her dad is a senator! To be a senator you have to be a citizen. The easiest way to be a citizen is to marry a citizen and get a green card. But getting your card that way while still being legally married to the mother of your child in another country is fraud!”
“Leesh.” Massie said sharply. “Who else knows about this?”
“Just us, but I can report it to immigration services. It’s your call.”
They waited in silence for a moment while Massie pondered this. If it wasn’t true, and they reported it, nothing bad would happen. But if it was true, Massie could destroy a family and possibly get them deported. Was it worth it just to get back at her classmate and win the election?
“Do it.” She said, finally. Alicia nodded once and pulled out her phone from her pocket while the other girls quietly left the supply room.
Kristen looked at Massie in disbelief. “Now what?”
“Now,” The alpha responded calmly, “I need to have a word with her royal highness.”
They waited until Alicia exited the closet and then headed off down the hallway. When they finally found Lizzie, she was waiting for her coffee order at Caffeine Couture. Massie smiled to herself, “Good. I can kill two birds with one stone.” She thought and strutted up to the girl.
“Morning, Lizzie.” She said coldly.
Lizzie turned and widened her eyes, surprised at who had spoken to her. “Oh, hi Massie. Congrats on making it to the finalist debate.”
Massie scoffed, “Yeah, too bad you waited to send in that tweet until Friday, or I might not have.”
Lizzie cocked her head to the side in mock confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean.” She said sarcastically.
“Are you from Egypt?” Massie said, crossing her arms.
“No.” Lizzie said, copying Massie’s pose.
“Then why are you so in De-Nile?” The rest of the Pretty Committee giggled at the comeback. “Whether or not you’ll admit it, I know it was you. And I will get even.”
Lizzie looked Massie up and down. “And how do you intend on doing that?”
“Let’s just say, London Bridge is falling down will have a whole new meeting on Thursday.” With that Massie turned on her heel and headed to the coffee counter. “One triple shot cinnamon shaken espresso with oatmilk, piping hot.” She ordered at the barista and then glanced over her shoulder at Lizzie, who was standing where she left her, looking stunned. “And a large lady gray tea for my friend.”

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