Octavian Country Day School Friday, September 16th 7:55 AM

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"I needed this.” Dylan said softly, closing her eyes and taking in the aroma of the hot dirty chai latte she was sipping on.

She, Kristen, and Massie were standing around Massie’s locker having a moment of relief before the last day of a long week. As they stood, chatting about all the campaigning, and soccer practice, and audition prep, girls would come up to grab Massie’s attention.

“Hey Mass! Loved the catered lunch on Wednesday! We should do that every week once you’re in office.”

“Massie, we want to put your campaign poster in the yearbook! Can you send us a copy?”

“Ugh, that calc homework was so hard last night, right Massie? I’m definitely voting for you, so we get less of that.”

With each one, Massie would nod sincerely and thank them for their support. Finally, she turned back to her friends and groaned. “I wish we could skip this part and go right to when I’m in charge.”

“Yeah, and I wish I could skip the audition today and go right to when I get the part!” Dylan agreed.

“You’re going to be an ah-mazing president and you’re going to be an ah-mazing Juliet!” Kristen comforted.

“Yeah, your outfit is giving major Shakespearian vibes.” Massie noted.

The redhead was dressed in a white silk top that was fitted in the middle but had loose, trumpet sleeves and a pale blue wrap skirt. She had a simple pair of nude Prada ballet flats on with tiny white ribbon bows which matched the silver bow earrings she was wearing. Her hair was loosely curled and framed her face, which was made up in an ethereal and otherworldly beautiful look. Overall, the girls had rated her a 10.
“Is it?” Dylan laughed and twisted side to side, letting her skirt flare out. “I wish I knew how to dress to do well on the SATs!”
“I’ve tried everything.” Kristen answered, “Trust me- no amount of Ralph Lauren helps.”
They laughed, commiserating over the stress together, and then said their goodbyes and headed to their classes. Massie and Kristen sat next to each other again, waiting for the day to start the same way it always did, with the morning announcements.
“Good morning, Octavian Country Day School! This is the morning announcements, and I am your host- Alicia Rivera. Today, the OCD Philanthropy Society will be accepting donations for their annual Thanksgiving fundraiser. Be sure to check out their table in the cafeteria during your lunch period. The theatre club’s auditions for the spring play, Romeo and Juliet, will take place after school today in the auditorium. To all those trying out- break a leg! Lastly, the student council has announced its two finalists in the running for class president. Great work to everyone who has been campaigning this week. The two finalists who will be participating in the presidential debate next week are…” A drum-roll sound clip played over the speakers. “Massie Block and Elizabeth Dawes! Congratulations!”
Massie’s ears rang. Her classmates began to clap for her so loud that the end of the announcements were drowned out, and it took several minutes for Ms. Valquez to regain control of the classroom and begin the day’s lesson. Although she had planned for this and even expected it, she felt a surge of emotion knowing she had already beaten Claire and the other LBRs that had been nominated. Once she was sure the attention was off of her and back on the instructor, Massie quietly flipped open her binder and happily added a checkmark next to the others on her list of steps towards her future.

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