New York Public Library Friday, September 2nd 10:59 AM

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Alicia and Dylan followed Kristen up the steps to the library. The large stone façade of the building loomed in front of them, adding to the gloominess of the day and the mystery of their meeting.

"I can't believe you guys have never been here!" Kristen shook her head.

"Technically, I HAVE been here!" Alicia shot back, "It was just when I was, like, little."

"Yeah, when your parents thought being surrounded by books might actually make you smart," Dylan laughed. Alicia smacked her arm playfully and the trio walked through the front doors.

The night before, Massie had messaged them all the time and place to meet but wouldn't explain why- despite their prodding. Kristen led the other two girls towards the study rooms where they saw Massie waiting at a large circular table.

"Mass! What is all this?" Alicia bounded up and hugged her alpha. Set up on the table were four color-coded stacks. Each contained a new MacBook Air, a planner, a few textbooks, and a binder with neat multi-colored tabs sticking out.

"C'mon sit, I'll explain everything," Massie said as she took her place in front of the purple stack.

The rest of the Pretty Committee took their seats- Alicia in front of red, Dylan in front of green, and Kristen in front of blue. Kristen's eyes light up as she read the title of one of the books in front of her. The Princeton Review: SAT Premium Prep.

Massie cleared her throat. "As you all know, next week we will be starting our junior year at OCD and as your alpha, it is my job to make sure we excel at everything. It's not enough to be at the top of the social hierarchy. I want us to exceed everyone's expectations. In school, in life, in everything!"

The PC smiled at each other and Massie. Over the past two years they had had been at the top of the social food chain. They were invited to every major party, Massie had won homecoming queen twice and Kristen and Alicia had each won homecoming princess once, they dated whoever they wanted and got whatever they wanted. But "whatever they wanted" hadn't previously included academics for anyone except for Kristen.

"This year there's going to be a major change. This is the year we're expected to decide what we want to do with the rest of our lives. And while many of our peers are going to crack under the pressure- I want to have everything go perfectly for us." Massie looked at the faces of her friends, searching for a reaction, but they all still seemed a bit confused. "Which is what brings us here today. If you would all please open to the first page of the binder in front of you."

The girls did as instructed and read the bold title at the top of the page.

The Future of the Pretty Committee.

Massie went on to explain the details of the materials in front of her. Each girl was assigned the same first task: choose what career you want for your future, your major, your top choices for schools, and what extracurriculars you would be participating in this year. Together they would be meeting frequently to study not only to ace their classes, but also to prep for the SAT. By the end of the semester, they would have to send off their college applications and their fates would be sealed.

"Massie, this is ah-mazing!" Kristen raved.

"Yeah, for you," Dylan grumbled. "I have no idea what I want to do with my life!"

"And we only have, like, TWO days to decide!" Alicia complained.

Massie rolled her eyes, as if she hadn't just decided for herself last night. "You guys, we should have been thinking about this all along. It's not my fault you only aspired to a high school clique." Alicia and Dylan stared down at the table.

"So what's your plan, Mass?" Kristen asked with genuine enthusiasm. Massie smiled and turned a page in her binder. Clearing her throat, she read off the page she had just finished at almost 11 PM the night before.

"My plan," she started confidently, "is to lead. I'll start by becoming OCDs class president. Then go on to study political science at Yale while minoring in art and fashion. And I'll probably end up as a senator or something while working on my true dream: the Block Foundation. A members-only luxury social club for all things ah-mazing. As decided by me, of course."

Massie beamed and her friends clapped at her plan. A nearby librarian shushed them and the girls switched to air-clapping.

"Eh-mah-gawd, Mass that is so genius!" Alicia whisper shouted.

"And perfect for you!" Dylan added.

"Now all we need is to find something just as perfect for you guys. I want full reports emailed to me by Sunday night!" Massie stood and gathered her things, "Now who wants lunch?"

"Sushi?" Dylan's eyes lit up.

"NOBU?" Alicia exclaimed. A different librarian shushed them this time, louder, and the girls giggled quietly as they ran out to lunch.

The Clique: Confessions of an UpperclassmanWhere stories live. Discover now