Scottsdale Part 2

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They checked out of the Scottsdale Princess and into a Quality Inn. It was a dependable choice, with nice rooms that were clean and comfortable.

"Are you going to the arena right away?" Coralee asked.

"Pretty soon," Travis answered, "Are you coming?"

"Umm, I don't feel like hanging around," she said, "I thought I'd wander around downtown Scottsdale and do a little shopping. The stores are nicer here, the concierge at the hotel gave me some names."

"What are you going to use for money?" he looked at her and she lifted an eyebrow, "You need to save the money your uncle gave you for something important."

"Shopping is important, and Uncle John meant it for more than just necessities. I promise I won't spend a lot. I don't feel like hanging around the arena, I'll be back in time to get ready, I promise."

"Okay," he took her in his arms, "Buy something sexy to wear for me, maybe?"

"Hmm, I might do that, maybe something sheer and lacy?"

"Sounds good," he said and kissed her then watched her go out the door.

Had she not been alone, she would have spent more time shopping. She missed Katie, shopping was more fun with her. It had been a strange and sometimes trying transition to go from being a daughter and a sister to being a wife. Sometimes she felt like she hadn't grown up at all, that she was as much Travis's daughter as she was his wife. She wished that she'd had more time to be on her own and had a chance to transition to adulthood, but she loved Travis and had few regrets.

When she returned to the hotel he'd left but a note written in his neat block letters. "Get dressed and get to the arena. We'll catch an early dinner and then get ready for the show. Love", Not 'Love, Travis,' but 'Love'. She smiled.

She changed her clothes then took a cab to the arena. People were already milling about, and she recognized some of the faces, both teammates and competitors.

Travis was having a beer with a buddy of his, she couldn't recall the name—Matt, maybe? For a moment she hesitated, not wanting to disturb him, then worked up her courage and approached them.

"Hi, sweetheart," Travis looked up at her, "Did you buy out the stores?"

"I wanted to," she answered, "But there wasn't time, and it's more fun when I have Katie shopping with me." She bent down and kissed him, "Gotta look after my horse, then I'll be right back.

She went to check on Coronado and he'd rolled in his stall, she was afraid he'd do that and he didn't disappoint. Bits of wood shavings were embedded in his coat, as well as his mane and tale.

"This is why I hate grooming you the morning of a show, this is what you always do." She got her brushes and cloths and set to removing the stall bedding from his coat. For good measure she cleaned the frogs of his feet, noting that they hadn't been cleaned. Maybe the new groom hadn't done such a good job, she preferred that it be left to her.

After a good currying, she went over his coat with a soft cloth, polishing his coat to a shine. She covered him with his blanket in case he decided to do it again. "There, now you look good, just don't go rolling again, okay?" She looked down and saw that his food bowl looked like it hadn't been filled, but at least he had water. She'd have to remember to ask Travis about the new groom and where he came from because he hadn't done a good job.

"Things okay?" Travis asked when she returned.

"He rolled, not like I didn't expect it. I gave him a good grooming and covered him with his blanket. He usually won't roll around with his show saddle on, I think he does this just to irritate me."

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