Start from the beginning

V2: "Hello.. Hello hello? Can you hear me?"

???: "We can, but what did we tell you about your tone towards us?"

V2: "I know, no sass. But I'm asking about my objective. There's kinda a complication."

V2 gets zapped in the head, startling Uzi slightly.

???: "Do not dare tell us that the host is dead or that you have grown too attached to complete your objective."

V2: "N-no! None of that! I could care less about the people around me! It's more something to do with there being 2 hosts."

???: "2 Hosts?"

V2: "Yeah, some red one named Doll and a purple one named Uzi, You'll need to tell me which one to go after."

???: "The red one is of no concern to us, She is a nuisance not worth keeping around, kill her at any chance you get. Or don't, she seems too desperate to save herself that she'll find her way to us and thus her death. The purple one is the true host we need."

V2: "Ok then thanks for clearing that up and also... Where exactly do I take her for you to complete your whole objective?"

???: "As we stated, you will know when it is time. Just keep the host alive long enough for a specific body we have sent to acquire the host."

Uzi was baffled by everything she was hearing from V2 and this unknown voice, Not only is V2 conspiring against everyone. It's after her as some sort of.. Host? For some strange... Wait.. That thing's voice sounds familiar, it sounds like that eldritch abomination that attacked the colony a while back. She can suddenly feel it all coming together in her head.

V2: "Jesus Christ, Why can't you just tell me?! I've been loyal to you for almost a month at this point, I feel like I at least deserve somethi-"

V2 starts getting heavily electrocuted all over it's body causing it to yell in pain and startling Uzi a lot. V2 then slowly gets lifted off the ground

???: "You are in no position to demand anything, Your reward will be your revenge. If you dare even think about speaking back or disobeying again, remember that you are nothing but our tool for the time being. If you break our deal, mercy will be the last thing on our mind."

The electrocution stops and V2 hits the ground hard, panting heavily.

???: "Understood?"

V2: "Y-yes, I a-apologize for my transgressions.."

Uzi suddenly feels bad for V2, noticing how mistreated it just was by this entity. She moves to the side and waits for V2 outside of the door.

???: "Good, If we have to put you back into your place again. We will simply finish the objective ourselves in a more... merciless way."

V2 slowly gets up and limps out of the supply closet. The machine seems worried that someone heard it which is only reinforced when it hears Uzi behind it.

Uzi: "How was the meeting?"

V2: "Shit. Uh- How much of that did you hear?"

Uzi: "Enough to know your boss is a jackass who wants to kidnap me."

V2: "Uzi, I really can't speak about this-"

Uzi: "Listen, all you are is a bodyguard for now right?"

V2: "I mean kinda.. But-"

Uzi: "That's fine with me, Just please make the right choice when whoever your boss is shows up."

Uzi turns to walk away, making V2 feel strangely awkward about it.

V2: "You're not gonna tell everyone about this right?"

Uzi: "Considering you basically die if I do, I'd rather not. You're being used, okay sure. All of us here were being used. It was only a matter of time till you were also used for someone else's purposes. But that doesn't define you as long as you make the right decisions in the future."

Uzi leaves, V2 is just thinking about how much this past month has humbled the machine. It's so used to it's more prideful attitude that it never knew what it was like to feel fear and now.. care? Does V2 really feel like it cares about such lesser machines? It should see these things as nothing but stepping stones for it's ascension and yet it feels like it wants to protect them with it's life. It decided to ponder these feelings in it's own time and goes off to find Z and R.

The scene then cuts to outside, a Worker Drone, Reid, is digging through the snow, where he finds his missing glasses.

(A/N: why do they name the most random worker drones that will never be important to the fucking plot? I don't understand why they do that)

Reid: "Ah, that's where I left my excuse to be outside right now.

He puts his glasses on, and looks up as a Murder Drone pod comes hurling towards him. He gets out of the way, only to get thrown back by an explosion. He survives, only for another pod to come arrive. The pod's passenger comes out and slices Reid's head off. It appears to be a human woman wearing a spacesuit, wearing a hat with a JCJenson logo.

???: "Righty-o. Work to do. Eh J?"

A new disassembly drone flies in next to her, this one also female.

???: Maintenance work...

She presses a button on her key and the pod beeps like a car... for some reason.

and that's disruption second
I was intending for this to be 3 parts, but it ended up looking way too forced out, so 2 parts for this layer as well.
and also you know what time it is
Iiiiiiiit's LORE QUIZ TIME!!!

QUESTION 1: What could V2's perspective on Uzi's infection be?

QUESTION 2: Why does V2 have such a rebellious nature against the Solver?

QUESTION 3: What was Gabriel doing in the Council Chambers? (Wrong answers only)

you already know what i'm boutta say now soooo....

See you in...

BRUTALITY / / / FIRST: A Totally Normal Camping Episode

BRUTALITY / / / FIRST: A Totally Normal Camping Episode

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