PRELUDE / / / FIRST: Ascension of the Damned

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V2 crawls along the hot sands of Greed with it's remaining parts, it's optics were highly damaged so too was it's armour, thus the hot sun was slowly burning away the remains of his body. V2 had never felt such emotion before, those emotions being Fear and Hatred. The fear that it would never make it out of the Greed layer alive, and the hatred it felt for it's inferior, V1. The dying machine crawled and crawled, hoping to find something that can spare it a second chance. It doubted this would ever happen but still. V2 didn't believe in prayer but at this point it was hoping to whatever God was left that he would be spared a second chance at life, a third chance to tear V1 limb from limb. However V2 had eventually given up, now laying in the sand waiting for death to claim him.

But suddenly in his optic, lines of code were running past faster than his vision could keep track of. Eventually the lines of code stopped and a strange symbol appeared in his vision, a square with arrows pointing out of it. V2 had never known of such a symbol, it eventually started to commune with the rotting machine. the lines of text reading "You look desperate for life." V2 obviously didn't like being called desperate but decided to hear this program out regardless. "Here, I have a deal for you. I will repair you with a new superior body, In return, you must surrender your loyalty to us." V2 wasn't sure whether to take this offer, I mean, he is the supreme machine here and this program wants him to just let it boss him around? On the other hand, this could be his only opportunity to take back what was his and destroy V1. The dying machine reluctantly accepted the agreement, suddenly it was lifted off the ground. The program typing out "Then let us begin." a strange black hole or portal of some kind appeared and V2 was thrust straight into it against his will. What Layer could this program be dragging him to?

V2 suddenly landed on cold snow, a huge change from the hot sands of Greed that he had to endure for... who knows how long. As he looked up from the snow he saw what was basically an entire junkyard of parts. "We will have to start somewhere before we go off." V2 was once again lifted up off the ground and a pair of damaged legs were lifted towards him. "You'll need these if you don't wish to have to be picked up like a child everytime." V2 felt a slight resentment towards that insult but he could hardly really do anything as he was immediately thrusted forward and the program started to meld the parts together. V2 really didn't know how this program is able to interact with physical objects like this but didn't exactly argue with it. Suddenly he was dropped to the floor as he attempted to adjust to his new legs, especially since he didn't even recognise this type of technology. V2 felt something was up but he walked towards the junkyard deciding to see what parts he could scavenge, he had found all types of parts. V2 had decided to grab an arm from a pile of scraps, deciding he'd need something that would help him counter V1's ability to heal from blood. Hell, maybe he'd even steal that idea himself whilst he's got an entire junkyard of parts to rip through. "I sense your visions of the future, but now isn't the time for daydreaming. For now, I have very specific targets for you to take out." V2 would have scoffed if it had a voice. V2 took the arm with him as he walked away, grabbing other parts along the way for it's new arm.

V2 also remembered it may want to try and build new weapons, as it lost those thanks to V1 removing it's wings, without a terminal it couldn't exactly get it's old ones back. V2 was also desperate for blood, luckily for V2 it seemed that there was a machine with a strange black liquid leaking out of it. V2 only ever knew of blood as fuel but decided to use this liquid anyways, The health bar on it's HUD changing black in response to the new fuel. Clearly whatever it was was satisfactory enough to his systems to keep him sustained, as he dragged the arm along the snowy floor, V2 looked up at the tall desolate buildings that surrounded him, even seeing strange planets in the background. Clearly wherever this was it wasn't Earth. V2 knew one thing however... It's that in the words of it's inferior before his death...

You're not getting away this time...

And that's the start of The Supreme Solver!
Big thanks to ThonkertheChonker , the maker of another Ultrakill x Murder Drones fanfic "When Oil Runs Red" I got the inspiration to make a spin on that story but instead following the antagonists from the 2 series's. I really wouldn't have gotten the idea to make this story if not for them so go check them out over there
See you in
PRELUDE / / / SECOND: Return of the Supreme One

The Supreme Solver (Ultrakill x Murder Drones)Where stories live. Discover now