DISRUPTION / / / FIRST: The Promening

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The scene opens in a school prom, where we see 2 female worker drones fighting, one seeming to be using a very familiar program to fight the other. The one using the abilities has red eyes and the one fighting by themself has purple eyes. The Red worker drone levitates a knife, multiplies it and hurls them at the purple worker drone. Only for a tall male disassembly drone to block them with his wings.

???: "Quit saving me!"

The two continue dodging while doing dancing poses.

???: "Seriously. Don't do that again."

???: "Uzi... Ah, okay, your turn!"

He tosses the worker drone now known as Uzi out of the way and gets hit by an oncoming table. The other worker drone levitates some tables and Uzi makes her way across them. Uzi grabs some knives and hurls them at the attacking worker drone, one managing to hit her as Uzi uses the opportunity to kick the worker drone. The worker drone then begins to unleash her abilities until...

A sudden rumbling above interrupts her. She dismisses it and attempts to attack again until a familiar red machine breaks open the ceiling dropping down and stabbing the worker drone through the chest. Her body slides off the blade.

Uzi: "What the?! How many of you guys are there?!!"

The disassembly drone shrugs, visibly uncertain as well.

???: "Oh right, you think I'm one of them. Well, Quick correction: I'm not, can't say the same about my friends though.

Uzi: "Friends?"

A sudden voice sounds out behind her.

???: "HIYA THERE!"

Uzi jumps back away from the voice.

Uzi: "WHAT THE?!"

She recognises the disassembly drone all too well, it's a popular urban legend to the people in the bunker. A disassembly drone known as Serial Designation R.


???: "No, just because I'm not as strict as your old boss doesn't mean I won't stop you from killing anything that breathes."

Uzi: "Hang on, You're in charge of that.. THING?!"

???: "I don't know, I just met him and he sticks to me like glue."

Uzi: "Wait you said friendS.. Where's the other?"

Another disassembly drone lands down, he appears to be wearing a black suit, yellow tie and a black fedora.

???: "You two need to slow down, I don't have the speed to keep up with you two caffeine filled robots."

???: "That isn't our problem- Oh yeah and we forgot to introduce ourselves. This guy is Serial Designation Z and that's-"

Uzi: "R. I already know, he's an urban legend around here."

R seems intrigued and slightly happy.


The other disassembly drone finally speaks up.

???: "Good for you!"

Uzi: "And who are you?"

V2: "I'm V2, I'm kinda new around here and I managed to get these two to help me out around here, I can tell you got the Disassembly Drone squad here to do the same thing. What's your name?"

Uzi: "Woah woah, I'm not just telling you my name, I've just met you and for all I know you could be plotting to blow this whole place sky high because the squad here decided to make their own damn choices-"

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