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Hi guy.. my birthday is coming up... 🤑





Silver spoon is sick. And i need to take care of him for awhile. I took him to the doctor, and his fever gotten worse.

He's been mumbling my name while sleeping and I can't help but feel bad.

Well— of course im gonna feel bad! He's sick.. The medicine is supposed to get picked up today, but it's raining out there and im scared to drive in the rain.

Salt, my so called, "friend," has been begging to see my man. Hes a male person sick... let his girl friend take care of him.



Salt typed back, getting confused for sure.

"Hes been thinking that im his girlfriend, but im really not."

I type, pressing the send button after and taking a seat next to my "boyfriend,'

I put my hand onto his forehead, it's still hot.. he's sleeping. "Salt, let me take care of him."

"No way! You'll just make it worse! I know he wants to be with me."

She messaged back, Silver Spoon sitting up and then leaning on me,

"My lovely future wife.." he said, wrapping his arms around me.

My eyes glance up at him while I chuckle.

"Don't make this hard, Salt... i dont want anyone getting hurt."

I type to her, her response being,

"Oh you wait. Ill steal that spot likes its first place."

I turn off my phone placing it onto the coffee table and wrapping my arms around him.

Im worried what'll happen if Salt finds out what collage room we are.

Is she even in collage in the first place?

I sigh, my hands in Silver Spoons hair and I rub his head. His head resting on my chest, hugging me tightly as ever.

His hands in my hair. I lean back on the couch, my worries catching up too me.

"SilverSpoon, do you... feel better?" I ask him, looking down at him.

He nods, saying in a raspy voice.

"My throat just... feels weird... and ive been getting... bad headaches."

It's the worst thing to ever happen when me and Salt are fighting for him..

I close my eyes, kissing his head and saying,

"Good night, SilverSpoon."

"I love you."

Is the only words i hear back.


Why am i making everything so depressing

~^* SWEET DREAMS *^~ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें