$~ "Stop interrupting, will you?" ~$

70 3 6

OH NO GUYS !! THERES SWEARING..!!! but uhm.. and uhm.. have fun reading!1!1!1 also warning comedy gold (trophy x cheesy :p)




I'm sitting down, drawing some stuff. I remember to last month, were I was with Silver, him flustered, and me flirting with him? I don't know..

I look down to see my phone next to my thigh. I grab it, opening messages and looking at her 'friends' group chat.

It was just random people. Microphone? Soap? Taco? Lightbulb? It just sounded like they were all girls.

And plus, who are all of these people?! Why am I even with them in the first place? God i have so many questions..

I get a text message from a person named, Salt? The message read, "Hey! Will you stop it? It's getting on my nerves."

I raise an eyebrow at the message replying with, "What? Stop doing what?"

"Uhm.. being with him?"

"Who's him.."


I don't reply with anything. Didn't she have a crush of the owner of the hotel? And that jock named Trophy?.. isn't he gay or something with the jokester or something? Wasn't his name Cheesy?...


"You sound like you have a crush on everyone in this building." I sent back, with no hesitation.

I know for a fact, she definitely felt offended by that. Or something like that!

"... Just stay away from him, he's my only chance!! And plus, stop interrupting, will you?"

"Only.. chance?" I squinted my eyes at the message she sent, wondering if she ever had more crushes while I was gone doing this season.

"YES ONLY CHANCE! Are you dumb or something, bitch?"

".. No." I sent,

"I'm blocking you. This is awkward, how do you know I even be with him?"

No reply back from her. Do I even know her? Lord. I wish sometimes she just wasn't there and I just could've continued drawing..

"Shut up. Whore. You only want his attention because your a sl-"

I leave the messages app, blocking her and her phone number. She had to be on something, something that could make her go crazy like that.

I chuckle.

Then I get up and leave my room. I go to Silver's room, knocking softly, "Oh.. dearest..!"


I still can't get that memory of her out of my head. On last month, the 7th, it was her, Candle.. doing some magic on me.

I PROMISE YOU! IT HAD TO BE MAGIC! Like.. black magic.. s-something!

I sigh and looked up at the ceiling, my back laying on the bed.

I can't fall asleep. I only got 4 or 5 hours of sleep... it was that single thing of memory that had caught up to me. FUCK! I can't go to sleep, (I know I mention it already..)

My head has been pounding ever since, my thoughts are all over the place. I really don't think I'm okay. I had a dream, but I don't even know if I want to share the picture I re-drew of.

I sigh, closing my eyes and rolling onto my side, darkness is the only thing I could see. I hear a knock on my door, and a voice.

"Ohh.. Dearest!"

I sit up, rubbing my eyes.

"Who's there..!"

I asked out loud, getting up from my bed and heading to my bedroom door, opening it.

Seeing candle stand there.

"What are you doing?"

She asks me, tilting her head.

"Trying to sleep."

She pouts. It was like she wanted to do something with me..

"What is it.."

I ask her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I-I wanted to go to the park.."

"We can go tomorrow, or what about late night—"

"I'll be asleep."


I say back, looking away. I look down at her, noticing she's just wearing my sweater?

"How come your wearing my sweater?"

"Uhm. I got cold."

I give her a blank stare before groaning.

"I'm going to sleep."

She nods, going back to her room and closing the door. I watch her, smiling softly about the walk at the park tomorrow.

I go back into my room, closing the door and laying back down on the bed. Hugging the pillow tightly, resting my head on the top of it, my legs wrapped around it, my eyes closed, I'm asleep. Deep asleep.




Goodnight, love.


OMGA I love this ship.. :p mwahaha I'm so good (no I'm not) also this is like.. 756 words.. 🤯

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