Chapter 7 ~ The Flight

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It was decided that Avika and Akash will go to Singapore and Akash booked the tickets. Soon it was the day for them to go. All the packings were done. Avika and Akash took blessings from their parents and went to the airport for taking the flight. They reached the airport and entered in their plane. Avika was sitting at the window seat while Akash was beside her. The plane was about to take off in a few minutes.

"Heyy listen." Akash said while looking at her. Avika looked at him.

"Ahh c-can I h-hold your hand?" Akash asked. Avika widened her eyes at his question.

"Uhh.. I am actually scared of sitting in planes" Akash said and looked away in embarrassment.

"What?" Avika said and narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"Uhh yeah, I even insisted mom to book a train ticket but she didn't listen to me so.." Akash said in low but cute voice.

"But how will we go to Singapore by train?" Avika asked in confusion.

Akash giggled and said,"Ohh no it's not like that let me tell you what happened.."

Flashback Starts

As Avika agreed for going, Akash went to his parents in the morning and said,"Uhh We have decided so we will go somewhere..I will book the tickets today"

"Ohh Thank god..Atleast god gave some brain to you" Pallavi said in sarcasm

"By the way, where have you planned to go?" Vivek asked.

"Uhh somewhere near, in India only..We will go by train as you know I am scared of flights" Akash said and looked away feeling embarrassed.

"Are you mad Akash? Like for real you, The Akash Maheshwari is going on his Honeymoon in India!? I swear to god just think about our image. What will people think? Just go somewhere in foreign!" Pallavi said in anger.

"Ohh mom please no I am scared of flights!" Akash pleaded.

"Just shut up! And You are not even going alone right, Avika is with you, then why are you worrying?" Pallavi said

"Okay fine yaar! I will book tickets of somewhere out! Fine now" Akash said getting irritated.

Flashback Ends

"So this was it.."Akash said to Avika. She couldn't control herself and giggled.

"Isme hasne jaisa kya tha?" Akash asked.

"Nhi kuch nhi.." Avika replied giggling and looked out from the window avoiding his gaze. But he was staring at her shamelessly. She was watching her from corner of her eye and she looked at him and he was already looking at her. His gaze was so strong that it sent chills in her body.

Then there was a noise in the background which said that the plane is about to take off.

"Can I?" Akash asked looking into her eyes.

Avika's POV~

I don't know what to do. My mind was saying not to but my heart, how can I resist it. My heart was saying to give him my hand. It was not just about giving hand but my heart was actually saying to give him a chance. I don't know what feeling was this, I never had such. After my past, I never thought to look for someone, I never liked a guy or had a crush on him. To be honest, I have almost forgot the feeling of loving someone and being loved by someone.

This feeling of my heart somehow overloaded the feelings of my mind. And my hand went forward in front of him. And then my mind hitted me with the amount of regret. I had a regret of doing it and I knew it would be. My heart and mind were again playing a battle with me and I hate it. He looked quite shocked as if he wasn't expecting me to do it. I was too shocked and nervous. I moved my eyes away avoiding his gaze because I can't face his strong gaze of eyes that was staring me shamelessly.

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