im so good at this

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This was a request from @Keeyzzz  : heyyyyy. i have a request, so could you do one where the reader is best friends with nick, but she is totally in love with chris/matt (your pick) so nick gets to play match maker? idk what this idea is but it just randomly came to mind. also i love your books!!!

Thank you for requesting and anyone else who has a request pls comment!!! 

This is gonna be readerxchris (there not dating... yet 😏)


I'm going over to the triplets house right now to go pick up nick bc we planned a whole day just for us. That day just so happened to be today. Its around 10 am and I just pulled in to their driveway. I text Nick and tell him I'm waiting outside.

NICK 💋  and Y/N 💕

Y/N 💕                                                                                                            nick I'm outside when ur ready

NICK 💋                                                                                                          girl just come inside, we don't care

Y/N 💕                                                                                                               ik y'all don't care but I do, plus I don't want Chris to see me like this

NICK 💋                                                                                                        ugh bitch when are u gonna tell him u like him? 

Y/N 💕                                                                                                            idk. when I'm ready now hurry upppp  💗

"finally look who showed up." I say as nick opens the car door. "girl don't even bc I can leave right now and make this little day out for u and chris" Nick replies with a serious face. nick has known abt my crush on Chris rally since I started to like him. Which had to be when we were all abt 13. I've been best friends with the triplets since we were basically born. I never told Chris about my crush on him for obvious reasons. I didn't want it to change not only mine and his friendship but also me Matt and Nicks. I told nick because hes like my absolute best friend and I trust this kid with my life.

Nick always insisted on playing match maker for me and chris. He said that Chris has always been into me and that I'm just to blind to see. But I know that Chris would never like someone like me bc I'm definitely not in his league.

Nick and I had our whole day planned out. We were going out for brunch, then to the mall. At the mall we will shop till the shelves of every store are empty, and lastly we will go back to nicks house had have a movie marathon night watching all of the classics: mean girls, legally blonde, clueless, and 10 things I hate about you. Nick had the bright idea to invite his brothers to our movie night just so I could spend time with chris. Sometimes nick is actually a mastermind. 


as I pulled into the driveway I parked the car and texted Chris to open up the door bc nick and I both had our hands full of everything we bought at the mall. I walk out the car and open up the backseat where all of the bags laid neatly across the seats. I grabbed 8 bags, four on each arm. Nick grabbed the other 8 and we walked up to the front door and I was about to knock, I was met with Chris' beautiful face. He moved out of the way and nick and I put the bags in his room. Once we walked back out Chris and Matt were waiting for us on the couch. They both stood up, Matt hugged me first and then Chris hugged me. He hugged me differently than matt. He gave me more of a bear hug. He whispered in my ear. "I missed you so much you don't even know" he whispered so low that his brothers didn't hear a thing. "I missed you too Chris" I replied.

"Hey guys, I forgot my pajamas do u guys have anything that I could wear?" I asked, knowing that my jeans and crop top was not going to be comfortable. Nick said that his clothes are being washed and matt agreed. Chris then immediately stood up and brought me to his room. He handed me a pair of brown fresh love sweatpants and a lyrical lemonade hoodie. The hoodie he gave me smelled just like him I think I almost fainted. I went into the bathroom and changed, fixed up my hair and did a double take of myself in the mirror. I walked out to be met with Chris standing there. "Wow y/n, you look really good in my clothes" he said lowly. "oh um thanks Chris" I replied not knowing how to react. I gave him a small hug and a quick peck on the cheek as a thank you. He started getting red in the face and he looked me right in my eyes " y/n im about to sound so stupid but please just hear me out. I've been in love with you since we were 10, I knew that there was something about you from the beginning. I've always wanted you to be mine. Just the thought of you with anyone else breaks my heart. If you don't agree with me or if you have your heart set on someone elss, I just want you to know that I will wait forever for you y/n l/n." He said all in one breath. I didn't reply with anything until after I connected our lips. "Chris you don't know how long I've wanted you to say that. Let alone kiss you. Idc if its too soon for this, but I love you chris" I said sweetly. "My gorgeous girl, I love you to infinity" he said and pecked me on the lips one last time.

Chris and i walked back from his room hand in hand. Matt was playing Pokemon go and nick was scrolling on his phone. "WHAT THE FUCK TOOK SO LONG??!!" nick exclaimed. He saw Chris and mines hands intertwined and jumped up from the couch. "LETS FUCKING GOOOO!!! OMG IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUUU. IM SO GOOD AT THIS HOLY SHITTTT" nick screamed. "Chris, in all seriousness if you break out best friends heart ur done for" Nick said in monotone voice Matt nodded his head in agreement.  We took our seats on the couch. Matt on the very end, Chris on his right, me and to Chris and nick on the other end. Once the movie was on Chris put his arm around my shoulder and I played my head on his chest. I never wanted this moment to end.





xoxo b 💗

sturniolo imagines 🤍❤🩹🤍जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें