Chapter 2

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I didn't want to sound like a sentimental idiot, but I really missed Carlos. We spent four years together and found the perfect balance between rivalry, friendship, and mutual respect. The farewell was emotional and Lewis joining the team was even more emotional. To be honest, I was worried about how it would affect my role at Ferrari. Neither of us wanted to become the team's number two, but even if nobody ever says it out loud, one of the drivers always is "the other one". And I was worried that I would be the other one. Because how could I measure up to an experienced, almost eight-time world champion? He came to Ferrari for one reason, to win that eighth title, which he missed in 2021. But I want to finally get my first title and we can't both have it at the same time.

Even though I tried my best not to think about it, I was still nervous as fuck during the whole winter break, and I left for the Dolomites for our usual winter training, already in a state of total nervous breakdown. "It has one benefit," Joris encouraged me on the way to the gym. "Yeah? What benefit?" I asked incredulously.
"If you lose, at least you lose to an eight-time world champion."
"Seven-time. And thanks mate. That really helps," I glared at him and sat down on the mat on the floor to stretch.
"Joris is right. It happens once every 10 years, but he's right," Andrea smirked and sat down next to me. "You should just take it as motivation. Besides, Lewis hasn't been doing so well lately and everyone loves you in Maranello. I don't think you should be afraid of what will happen. You'll just show everyone that you can measure up to him."
"That offends me," Joris grumbled, and I chuckled. They were right, of course, they were. But the worm in my head just wouldn't rest.

I have always doubted myself a lot. When I did well, it was thanks to the team. If not, it was my fault. That's how it's always been, and I didn't expect that to change anytime soon. I would give my life for Ferrari, but I doubted more and more if they would do the same for me.

"Why? Why do you always have to come up with crap like this and force us to join you? Just why?" whined Joris as he scrambled up the hill on alpine skis 5 meters behind me. "You went voluntarily, so stop whining and keep going. It will get dark soon and I don't want to go down that hill blindly," I shouted to him. "I dare to disagree with that. You basically blackmailed him," Andrea sneered and added to the pace that was already murderous for my best friend. "Me and blackmail him? Never. What kind of a person do you think I am," I grumbled under my breath and joined Andrea. Joris let out a few more whines, but he also increased the pace and in another half hour we finally arrived at the destination of our journey. For a moment I lied down in the fresh snow and enjoyed the view of the valley and the sun setting behind the surrounding peaks. "Ready?" I asked my two companions, the younger of whom looked at me angrily and shook his head. "Another 5 minutes," he muttered, and once again rammed his cap-hidden head into the soft snow.

I helped Joris take the climbing straps off his skis and stuff them into his backpack. He finally scrambled to his feet and kept scowling at me. "You can stay at the hotel tomorrow," I shrugged with a smile. "Of course, I'll stay at the hotel tomorrow," he grumbled, directing his skis down the slope. He bounced off and disappeared from our sight in a moment. "We should go after him before he falls somewhere and we'll never find him again," Andrea sighed and set off after him. I followed with a laugh a few seconds later.

In the evening it was time for my regular self-tormenting moment reading Instagram comments. Even though there were fewer of them, there were still voices saying that Ferrari had let the wrong one go. Carlos finished the season one place above me in third place, the difference between us was only 4 points, but many people saw that as good enough proof that he should stay and I should go. 

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