40. Us but no one else

Start from the beginning

I sighed for the upteenth time and closed my eyes, laying my head on the cushioned chair. An exhausted exhale escaped my lips along with a yawn. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the sleep and tiredness vanish from them.

I continued with the paperwork, but then another wave of sleepiness washed over me, that's when I decided to get up and get a fresh cup of coffee from the the lobby. God only knows how much I need it right now.

I stood up from the chair and decided against taking my blazer with me which was currently draped over the back of my chair. 

I closed the door of my office behind me and walked towards the coffee machine. The only sound in this rather quiet hallways was of my Oxford's thumping against the floor. 

My mind wandered back to that manilla file laying on top of my shelf. It seemed a plain black file but the information which it contained was not for me to know.

At least not yet.

It was sent to me by Dante a few days later by one of his trusted man. That folder contained all the information, bio data, an everything from her birth to her first day of this University.

It was about Amelia.

The decision was impulsive, reckless and not to mention very bad. When I saw those scars littered on her body, how her eyes were casted down as if she was ashamed of them and when she refused to tell us about them? Oh I lost it.

Right fucking then and there.

I didn't know that I wanted to get a whole investigation done on her but Dante called, all I had on my mind was her and her alone.

I didn't regret it when I told him to run a background check on her, but after I cooled down and the reality of my actions came crashing down, I felt a little of guilt but a whole lot of curiosity.

I placed it on my shelf, thinking that tomorrow I would open it, but the tomorrow never came. Because whenever I would inch closer to it, my brain would scream for me to get away from it and not to intrude on her privacy.

As much as I wanted to open it and read every single thing on it about her which I would without doubt read over and over until it was imprinted on my mind as a sacred hymn, but it was wrong of me to do so.

God I was infatuated with her. My mind was plagued with her thoughts.

Whenever I was alone my mind would lead to her and conjure up images of her. 

Her smiling brightly.

Her talking spontaneously about what she likes.

The twinkly of happiness in her eyes which shone so vividly. 

The last friday when both of us touched her. Though it was nothing too intimate and far from something erotic, it was still imprinted on my mind and was repeating on loop since then. 

It wasn't my intention to touch her but when the sounds of quite gasps and soft murmuring came from the class, my interest piqued. I softly opened the door and the sight before me was enough to bring someone on their knees. It shouldn't have been as sensual or erotic but sue me if it was.

There was Nicholas, pressed firmly against Amelia's back, his hand on her small torso and another on the nape of her neck, tilting it slightly upwards to look in her eyes. 

If it was some other man touching her this intimately, I am sure I would have lost it, but strangely the sight of him with her aroused me, instead of being appalled or jealous by it. Instead I was drawn towards it. 

In that moment they were the moon and I was drawn towards them like a high tide. 

I couldn't stop my legs from moving further in the room, nor could I stop my hand from tilting her chin up to meet my eyes. 

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