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"I'm not completely honest with you, I'm the adopted daughter of King Bumi

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"I'm not completely honest with you, I'm the adopted daughter of King Bumi."

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

"That's why the Fire Nation saw us heading to Omashu." You said, looking at Omashu filled with smoke and a red flag with the symbol of Fire. You became worried about your friend, Bumi. "I can't believe it. I know the war has spread far, but Omashu always seemed... Untouchable." Aang said calm yet gloomy. "Up until now, it was. Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left."

Deep thoughts enter your mind. Did Zuko did this? You have a feeling that is definately not him. Then who could it be?

Aang decided to save Bumi but the sibling refused. You in the other hand are also coming with your brother. "Bumi is my friend, too. He helped us and it's time to do the favor." Aang smiled at you, finally everyone agrees and began to sneak in Omashu.

"Stay here with them, Ming. I can't risk you getting hurt." Mingxia nods, booping your nose as he hops to Appa's back. "A secret passage? Why didn't we just use this last time?" Aang opens it with his staff as the water came out and soon is the stench.

You and Aang use air to get out the water in your way, Katara uses her waterbending and Sokka... Trying to get away using his own hands.

Aang looks out first to see any soldiers passing by. When he didn't see anyone he flew outside the skewer as you and the others did. "That wasn't as bad as I thought." Sokka was the last one to get out, your face scrunches in disgust when you saw Sokka filled with goo in his body. Katara quickly disperse the dirt with water on Sokka and Aang air dry him.

Then your eyes caught pentapus on Sokka's face, sucking it. The boy begans to panic and scream. Good thing Aang quickly shuts him down as he tickles the adorable pentapus making its tentacles get out from Sokka's cheeks and now he has red dot spots that look like he's sick.

"Hey!" You heard a man's voice. Rushing behind Katara and Sokka, you and Aang hide your arrow with a cloth. "What are you kids doing past curfew?"

"Sorry, we were just on our way home." Katara said in a sweet tone. The boys nodding with their wide smiles as turns away from them. The soldier notices Sokka's red spots, shouting all four of you to stop walking. "What Is wrong with him?" You and Katara looked at each other, you didn't know who he was mentioning until the man pointed out Sokka's spots.

"Uh, he has pentapox, sir." Katara said, the man inspect Sokka, trying to lay a finger on him but you quickly stops him. "I wouldn't dare touching him if I were you." You butted in the conversation. Katara quickly nods, agreeing. "It's highly contagious."

Then Sokka began to act like he was a zombie, it's not a bad acting since the Soldiers took the bait and runs away like little girls. "Nice acting, Sokka. Can't believe they actually took it as a real disease." You laugh and everyone followed as well.

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