Every time that he looks down at his hand, the one he held your hands. He remember those small smile despite being in pain.

'It's nice to see you again, Zuko.'

Your voice is so soft and caring. He couldn't deny it but he misses you.

But for now, he has to do this on his own along side his uncle Iroh.


The group of nomads braided Appa's long fur along with Ming. "You look adorable, Mingxia." The fennec fox rolled his eyes, he couldn't do anything so he just let them be.

Lily soon braided your hair next with beautiful F/F flowers.

When the four teenagers reveal their plan to travel to Omashu, Chong, the lead nomad, speaks of a shortcut through a tunnel passing under a mountain. They began to tell a story in a song version.

"Two lovers, forbidden from one another. A war divides their people, and a mountain divides them apart. Built a path to be together. Yeah I forgot the next couple lines, but then it goes..." And now everybody's singing it all togther except Sokka. "Secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! Through the mountain. Secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel."

The song was catchy so you couldn't stop from singing with them. "Y/N, you're not helping with the situation."

You blow raspberry at him and dance along.

"I think we'll just stick with flying. We've dealt with the Fire Nation before. We'll be fine." You finally stood up, you look up and feel the flower in your hair. You feel pretty thanks to Lily.

Sokka initially distrusts these new characters, but, after an unsuccessful attempt to fly over the mountains due to an assault by Fire Nation Soldiers the team agrees to follow the nomads through the tunnels.

"Ming, stay be my side, okay?" Your guardian nodded as the four of you followed them in the tunnel. "How far are we in the tunnel?"

"Actually, it's not just one tunnel. The lovers didn't want anyone to find.out their love so they built a whole labyrinth." Sokka stops walking, comically shock at Chong. "I'm sure we'll figure it out."

"Yay, so much for a field trip." You said, faking a happy tone while walking at your destination.

"All you need to do is trust in love... According to the curse." Once again, Sokka overreacted at the nomads.

Stopping at your destination, you saw a cave and a carved stone written in the center. "Hey, hey! We're here!"

Left and right, you saw different kinds of stone statue. You remember Bumi used to tell you about this cave where two lovers would go here to meet each other again. You thought he was messing with you, since he likes to do that with other people, turns out it is true.

"Hey, someone's making a big campire." Moku points out the smoke coming from the cliff. You and the others knew that it wasn't just any campfire. It's the Fire Nation.

"We don't have any choice but to go inside the tunnel. We won't be risking ourselves." You said in a serious tone. Everyone began to walk inside the dark tunnel.

As you enter the tunnel, you feel the ground shaking, turning around with wide eyes. A group of pursuing Fire Nation soldiers in tundra tanks destroy the entrance to the tunnels, trapping everyone inside.

Appa began to dig, trying to find a way out. Ming also starts to panic, helping out Appa. "That's quiet enough, Mingxia. You'll just tire yourself out." His ear twitches as hops away from the rocks.

"We need is a plan. Chong, how long to those torches last?" Sokka questions the nomad. "Um, about two hours each."

"And we have five torches, so, that's 10 hours." Lily said gleefully turning all the torches at once. Sokka immediately takes out the fire and make his way to Appa. Sokka creates a map to mark their progress while traveling though the labyrinth. 

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