Chapter 6: The Champions

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Third POV:

It was the end of the school day and Sofia and her friends were walking towards the great hall when a familiar voice called her.

"Hey Sof wait up!" Sofia turned to see Solis and the Slytherins walking up to her.

"Hey guys!" She smiled, when they caught up to her the boys all seemed to be glaring at each other.

"Who are your friends Sofia?" Tom asked.

"oh yeah, these are my friends Tommy, Danny boy, Em, Maya, Krisha, JJ, Jake, Rex, Jack, Cici, Layla, Nick and Billy" She smiled pointing to her friends one by one.

"Guys this is Tom, Avery, Reggie, Solis, Cissy, Bella, Lucius, Barty, Severus and Evan" Sofia told her friends.

"I would like to point out that my name is actually Jordan not Danny Boy, only Sofia calls me that" Jordan informed them and the other chuckled.

"Yeah and my name's just Thomas" Thomas notified them and the others chuckled again.

"It's nice to meet you guys" Cissy said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too" Cici replied.

"So where are you guys headed?" Avery asked.

"Well I have a date with a Goblet of Fire!" Sofia smirked.

"Are you sure Sofia? it's kinda dangerous" Solis commented with concern. Sofia and her freinds snickered.

"Yeah Sofia, are you sure you're not too scared?" Avery teased.

"Why would she be? She's won it twice!" Jack replied with a smirk.

"Wait really?!!" Evan said completely gobsmacked along with the others.

"Yeah, once at Drumstang and once at Beauxbatons" Sofia told them. They all continued walking towards the Great hall as they spoke. 

"That's so fucking cool!" Evan replied and Sofia chuckled.

"Thanks" She said with a smile.

They got to the great hall and Sofia, Layla, Krisha, Nicky, Jacob and Rex already had their names written on their papers ready to put in. When they got in Sofia noticed the Marauders and her brother stared at her and his eyes made his way down to the paper in her hand.

"No!" James commanded. Sofia looked at him and then the goblet and then back at him. She smirked and ran towards the goblet and James ran after her. He was quick but not quick enough! Sofia beat him there and put her name in.

"Seriously Sofia, isn't two wins enough?!" He sighed and Sofia smirked.

"Third time's a charm!" she replied with a devilish grin. James rolled his eyes and put his arm over her shoulder as they made their way over to where the others were.  Sofia's friends, the Slytherins and the Marauders were all standing within close proximity with each other and on the verge of fighting like cats and dogs. Rex, Layla, Nicky, Jacob and Krisha put their names in and their friend group cheered. The Marauders and the Slytherins were having a staring contest, James still had his arm around his twin but was death staring Severus. 

"James, stop!" Sofia told him which broke him out of his focus. He looked at her with an annoyed expression which she mirrored.

Sofia's POV:

I finally break James out of his staring contest and when I look over to my left I can see Avery trying to flirt with Maya, I chuckle quietly.

"Avery, she's gay and taken I'd stop trying my luck if I were you!" I told him and everyone broke out in laughter and he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, Evan pat his back and said:

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